When You Cheat On Him || jk

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You hated for what you were doing to Joe. You did love him, you knew in your heart you did but you just weren't right for one another. The love you felt for him was not the same kind you held your his friend, Charlie.

With Charlie, things were more passionate. You felt alive and adored. Whereas with Joe, everything was nice. Just nice. He treated you like glass- pretty to look at but to be handled carefully. Charlie on the other hand, Charlie treated you like a Queen that deserved to be worshipped and ravaged.

You were alone in your apartment, one of the rare occassions that Joe was away on business. Filming in the middle of who knew where, giving you the perfect opportunity to spend some time with Charlie.

For hours Charlie had walked around those busy, grey streets. His mind only on you and you alone.

So when he finally returned home and saw you leaning against the kitchen counter, lost in your own little world. He indulged in the overwhelming urge he felt to hold you.

Though completely unaware of his presence, the male strode up to you, both arms were wrapped around your waist. His head rested on your shoulder.

You were immediately drawn back into your reality, your thoughts but a distant memory.

Once you realised what Charlie was doing, you were quick in returning the hug, clutching him to you, as if there was a possibility of him disappearing at any given moment.

It felt good to hold you this close again, Charlir thought. You had been so distant since Joe had left. The last embrace you had shared was at Christmas. A sneaky embrace under the mistletoe.

"What's this for?" you questioned. A feeling of fear rose within you. "Is something wrong?"

He shook head. "I went for a walk."

You couldn't help but giggle in relief at the lack of bad news. "So I gathered, since you were gone for so long." you mumbled, lazily running your fingers through his deliciously soft locks.

"I was thinking."

"That must have hurt." you cheekily joked, which earned you a gentle squeeze.

The male buried his face in your neck, knowing how tickilish you were. You almost- ALMOST- squealed at the sudden nuffle. "Very funny." he laughed, his breath warm against your skin. He paused, unsure how to phrase is next sentence. "I was thinking about how unhappy you've been since he's left."

Without warning, you froze in his arms. A cold sweat ran down your back. You internally panicked, terrified about what the male would say next.

To your dismay, Charlie pulled away from you slightly, though his arms did not leave you. He stared into your (e/c) eyes, as he observed you carefully. "I know..." he paused momentarily. "I know that he's there for you when I can't be and, (y/n)," he smiled sadly at you. "I'm glad he is."

Your heart literally skipped a beat, for you had not expected such words to leave his lips.

"And I'm sorry." he continued to explain himself. "I'm sorry that we're having to creep around like this. We'll tell him soon, when the time is right. Let's just get through the next few weeks and when he's back from this latest project, we'll tell him together. I promise."

Tears were starting to seep into your vision. "Charlie," you attempted to blink them away. "I...I don't want to hurt him."

"I know, neither do I." your beautiful, handsome lover interrupted you. His forehead rested against yours, as you gazed up into his undeniably hurt eyes.

"I wish sometimes that this had never happened." you whispered, fearful that your evident upset would lace your voice, were it a decibel higher. "But even that doesn't stop me from loving you."

"It should." he retorted.

"But it doesn't."

You placed a kiss on his forehead. A comforting gesture. Your lips lingered for a moment, before you moved to make a trail of butterfly kisses down to his jaw. That jaw you loved so much. You continued to his neck and sucked on his sweet spot. You definitely knew how to show him that you loved him. Then you found yourself at his perfect, pink lips- that taste so sweet.

You felt his hand on your chin, tilting your head towards him. You caught a glimpse of his beautiful eyes before Charlie's lips meet yours.

Pulling him closer, you gently placed your hands on the back of his neck. Your tongues caught in a lustful dance.

When you both finally pulled away from one another, you suddenly whisper hastily:

"Heaton," you grinned. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I've...I've never felt like this about anyone before. I love everything about you. Your smile. Your laugh. Your wonderful personality. 'Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.' Charlie, 'I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.' So, I guess what I'm saying is..."

"Will you marry me?" he finished your sentence.

You stared at him for a moment, unsure whether you should answer or not, since it was your proposal he had just hijacked. He nodded for you to. "Yes..." you paused before grinning uncontrollably. "Yes!"



angel; is there anyone you'd do anything for?

galaxy; what fascinates you?

melody; favorite artists?

silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?

rose; favorite flower?

sun; favorite season

film; favorite movie/tv show?

gorgeous; what do you like in a person?

diamond; favorite color?

infatuation; first crush?

perfume; favorite scent?

fleece; have any pets?

pigment; if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?

murky; biggest fear?

daydream; best memory?

joy; best feeling you've ever experienced?

valentine; best gift you've ever received?

parchment; favorite book?

garden; plants?

oasis; dream destination?

sense; favorite subject?

rainbow; what's your sexuality?

nail laquer; punk or pastel?

1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why?

tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings?

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