When Danger Is Near || (smut)

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Hand in hand, you run through the maze of streets.

You gazed up at the greying sky, that threatened to fall apart like a heartbroken lover and release a heavy downpour of tear-filled raindrops.

The tightening of his grip warned that you were falling a step too far behind. You needed to focus on the thrill of the chase and not the poetic beauty of the atmosphere above.

Neither of you knew where you were going, only that you needed to put distance between you and the following danger.

You should have felt fear and yet, with his presence by your side, you felt nothing but security, you were in this situation together. No matter what happened, you had one another.

Streets all looked identical but a rusted and worn sign ahead looked to you, like a temporary solution to your high speed chase.

"This way." you urged your lover forward, hoping that, whatever followed behind hadn't noticed you entering into what could only be described as a hole in the wall. It was the kind of place you would only visit if you needed a place to lay low and weren't afraid of cockroaches, mice and possibly the odd rash. You decided you would rather take your chances inside, than stay out on the street.

The exchange with the bored receptionist on desk was brief. You needed a room? They had a room. Paying with cash? Cash was fine.

Key in hand, you found yourself eventually in a box room with a tiny window and smelled like week old cigarette smoke.
The bed was a little larger than a single and was pushed against one of the dull, paint-chipped walls. Mud brown carpets were stained with what you were pretty sure was blood and a chalk outline. You didn't even dare look into the bathroom, that was an adventure best explored later in the evening.

Despite your surroundings, you moved to lie down on the bed, risking the clearly unwashed sheets. After all of the running, you were no longer surviving on adrenaline and indulged yourself in taking a moment to collect your thoughts and calm your racing heart.

The bed dipped as he joined in sitting beside you, equally as exhausted.

He leaned down to rest his head against your shoulder, sighing heavily before he fully lay down in the confines of the cramped space. The only way to make room was by you wrapping him completely in your arms and holding onto him tightly, as if you would never let go.

The male wished more than anything for you both to be safe in your own home but for now, this was the next best option.

Of course he would have preferred a more palatable living quarter but if it meant you being safe, even for a few hours, he would endure the mould and water-stained ceiling and scratchy bedding that made him want to peal out of his skin.

Just because you both were grateful to have a roof over your heads, didn't mean you had to like the living conditions.

You hated that people lived in such environments on a daily basis.

The male nuzzled against your neck, warm breath tickling your neck, as he placed a kiss against the sensitive pulse point.

"It's going to be okay." he reassured you, murmuring the affirmation against your skin.

Although neither of you knew if that would be true or not, you appreciated his words, echoing the sentiment back in your very own, "We're going to be okay."

Fingers trailed against his back, tracing in lazy patterns into the material of his sweater.

You could feel steady beat of his heart against your body, as he lay on his side, his own hand playing with the edge of your t-shirt.

"How do you want to try and get food later?" he questioned, knowing you both couldn't survive without the basic necessities.

"I think I saw a few 24 hour stores near to here, we could try and sneak out later or ask the receptionist about local deliveries?"

At that moment, you found something to look forward to. Something quick and easy to eat after so much exercise almost made your face break out into a Cheshire Cat-like smile. Even with all the bad occurring in your life, at least something as simple as food was still an option for you to indulge in. And when it wasn't? Well, you would deal with that when the situation arose.

"I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess because of me." his apology took you by surprise. Never for a moment had you blamed him for the situation you found yourself in. Was it ideal? Of course not. Your predicament had you feeling frustrated- naturally- but it was definitely not targeted at your lover.

Carefully cupping his face in your hands, so as to not accidentally push him off the bed, you explained to him as much, hoping your truthful words would put his fretful mind at ease.

"I love you, okay?" you promised him, placing a gentle kiss upon his brow. "That's never going to change."

In that moment, he was so grateful to have you by his side and was evidently relieved by your reassurance. He felt overcome with the urge to kiss you and without hesitation, he indulged himself in the desire.

It started off so very sweet and steadily progressed something far more urgent. A heady combination of love, fear and relief. In that moment, you both were grateful to be alive. With your current predicament, you didn't know if that would always be the case.

You happily found yourself underneath your lover, his body pressed against yours, as his hands explored your clothed form.

"I need you." he gasped, desperate for more. He longed for feeling of you clenched around his fingers, as he brought you to a breathless climax. He craved to hear you saying his name over and over again, the sweetest mantra of all. "Please." he begged needily, as kisses trailed down the curvature of your neck and eventually descended into delicate nips, that were sure to leave a mark. "Please, sweetheart?

You pulled away from his lips to cup his face in your hands once more. Your breath escaping your bruised lips in short, lustful pants. Resting your forehead against his, you took a beat to calm your racing heart.

Eyes closed as you leaned back against the filthy sheets, remembering where you were and the danger that awaited you beyond the room.

"Tell me what you want." you asked, voice hoarse.

Through hooded lids, you regarded your lover and watched the distinctive blush spread across his already flushed cheeks.

You gently traced his cheekbone, following the line of his jaw before you reached his soft lips.

Playfully, he caught the pad between his teeth and gave a light bite, that sent a shiver coursing through your body.

Upon releasing the digit, he replied while steadily holding your gaze. "You."

Despite the impending doom, a lazy smile spread across your lips, as you giggled at the seriousness of his tone. He marvelled at you laugh, enamoured with how you could find joy even in these dark times.

"Then do what you want with me." you gasped through a particular loud chortle.

Rolling his eyes, you lover shook his head at your infectious cheeriness. "If I knew one word could make you laugh so much, I would have said it a lot more, a lot sooner."

Once your giddiness resided, you lay buried your face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, you just took my by surprise. I think it's the stress of the situation catching up to me."

Brushing a kiss to your forehead, he understood you mixture of emotions completely. "Don't apologise, I love hearing you laugh." with a kiss to your temple, the male murmured: "Lie back, sweetheart. Let me take your mind off of things for a bit."

With an exhausted nod, you got comfortable to the itchy sheets, watching as your lover carefully (opened the button of your trousers/shorts/pushed up your skirt/garment of your choosing).

He paused as he regarded your still clothed mound. "You still okay with this?"

You nodded again, giving consent with a whispered "yes".

His fingers trailed against the detailing on the waistband of your panties.

You couldn't help but bite your lip in anticipation.

Gently, his hand dipped under the fabric. With bated breath you waited for his skilled touch.

You felt one finger slowly enter your wet, drippy mound. Carefully it was removed and pushed back in, right to the knuckle.

Your lover continued to pump the digit within you at a steady pace.

"Uuh, fuck." you mewled in response.

"You like that, darling?"

"Yes, uh, just like that." you whimpered and covered your face in embarassment. You felt so flustered.

He noticed your shame and leaned down to place a kiss on each hand. "Don't cover your face, doll. I want to see your pretty face when I make you cum."

His words went straight to your core, your walls clenching around him.

"Do you want more, sweetheart?"

Words failed, so you merely nodded from behind your hands.

It was when you felt him touch your clit, that your hand moved to become entangled within his hair.

Your hips involuntarily bucked, as you moaned loudly.

You were absolutely dripping over his fingers. With no resistance he inserted another finger into you.

So lost in the pleasure, your eyes rolled into your skull.

His speed gradually picked up, pupils dilated with lustful abandon as he watched you writhe, his name tumbling off endlessly off of your lips.

He could feel you nearing your release, your walls clenching against him, so warm and silky. "You going to cum for my, sweetheart?"

You could even reply with words, a moan would have to be suffice.

"Let go, baby. I've got you."

His thumb encircled your clit and his other fingers pushed deeply into you, brushing against your g-spot in a "come hither" motion and with that, you felt yourself spiral into an intense orgasm.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" you hissed, trying to keep your voice down.

Pleasure spasmed through your body and for a moment, the world around disappeared.

Gentle butterfly kisses upon your face, necks and lips eventually brought you back to earth. Though partially disorientated, you managed to bring your hand up to ball the material of his sweater, pulling him into a weary but fevered kiss.

"I love you." he mumbled through your embrace.

You hummed in agreement, feeling completely breathless and light-headed. "I love you." you eventually managed to reply.

"We're going to get through this, sweetheart." he vowed, kissing your temple. "I promise."

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