Creature Terms

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Loogaroo - are demons sometimes described as a witch or a vampire, but often is a shapeshifter that holds all the attributes of other monsters. This monster sucks blood from innocent victims, which is given to the devil in exchange for magical powers. If the Loogaroo sucks out too much blood, the victim will die and become a Loogaroo himself.

Changeling - Fae child that had been left in place of a human child stolen by the fae.

Dryad - A tree nymph or tree spirit.

Erinyes - Greek Furies, female chthonic deities of vengeance.

Gremlin - A creature commonly depicted as mischievous and mechanically oriented.

Banshee - A female spirit, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the Otherworld.

Demons - Powerful supernatural beings without the dignity of gods. Ancient  demons could be good or bad. Traditionally demons have been said to  reign on some other planet, usually some form of hell, and are creatures  of fire.

Undead – reanimated corpses brought back to serve a sorcerer.

Sirens - Beautiful yet dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.



Poltergeist - Ghosts known for causing physical disturbances.

Succubus - Seductive female demon. Female counterpart of the Incubus.

Vampire - A being from folklore who subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living.

Harpy - Female creatures with the wings of a bird.

Lamia - A beautiful, child-eating demon.

Aswang - Shapeshifting Philippine ghouls.

Gargoyle -  Carved or formed grotesques. They are said to scare away demons - they are the featured "stone-by-day",

Ghoul - Evil spirits which eat human flesh.

Oni - Yōkai which are similar to ogres/demons.

Wendigo - A cannibal, monster, or evil spirit native to the northern forests

Skin-Walker - A type of witch who has the ability to turn into an animal, or to disguise themselves as an animal.

Werebear A ursidae therianthropic creature.

Werecat A feline therianthropic creature.

Werehyena A hyaenidae therianthropic creature.

Weretiger A feline therianthropic creature.

Werewolf A canine therianthropic creature.

More to be added later...

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