Chapter I

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Dear Diary,   It's been too long since I last wrote in you

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Dear Diary,

It's been too long since I last wrote in you. I should probably start from the beginning, huh? Well, you see my brothers and I had just been on the run from a rampaging demon and several gremlins - I kid you not. Our father Mor-El keeps getting stronger everyday and he's getting closer to picking us off one by one and I'm terrified that one day he might actually do it . . . Just like he did mom.


"Shit, where is it?" Mya mumbled to herself as she rummaged around her room. She threw several articles of clothing, bras, and underwear that looked like a tornado had ransacked the room. "Oh, my flipping hell its gone!"

"Oh my god, what the hell are you screaming about?" A blonde mess of hair poked his head into the room. He had a tooth brush in his mouth and tooth paste smeared around his lip. "Did you get your period or something?"

"What the fuck? No, Leon! I can't find my lucky baby blue bra. I'm trying out for cheer practice at the high school and I can't just impress them with my background, I need that bra!"

Leon just stared at his sister with a bored look on his face, his tooth brush hanging half way out this mouth.

"Why the hell does it matter?"

"Get the fuck out! Aiden!" Mya screamed at the top of her lungs. "Aiden!"

Aiden, who was downstairs in the living room looking at papers, jumped at the sound of his sisters voice. He nearly tripped over the rug as he clumsily ran up the wooden stairs.

"Mya, What is it?" He shouted down the hall. He saw Leon poke his head out of the bathroom as he wiped his mouth with the arm of his sleeve.

"It's not an emergency, trust me," he said rolling his eyes.

Aiden furrowed his brows and went to Mya's room seeing the tornado of mess that was displayed for him. He looked around before speaking: "so... what the hell happened here?"

"Aiden!" Mya yelled, her brown curls bounced as she went over to her older brother. "I can't find my lucky bra, you know, the baby blue one? Did you happen to wash it when you did laundry?"

Aiden squinted his eyes as if in thought and rubbed his jawline. "Uh, I don't really remember, Mys. We did just move here three weeks ago and we did it in a haste."

Neither didn't need to be reminded of the hell spawn of creatures that their father sent that day.

"This can't be am I supposed to perform now?"

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