Chapter II

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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

I can't remember a time that Leon didn't get in trouble. Whether it was good or bad, protecting, himself, or our family. Mom used to call him her little Warrior because he would go into action without thought. Aiden thinks it's reckless and could get us caught, Jason doesn't mind it just as long as he can fight back. And me? His twin? Well, I feel whatever he feels and I understand why he does it. I don't support it, I don't deny it, I'm just there and honestly that's probably all he really needs.


Leon sat in the principals office, with his ear buds in his ear as he nodded to the lyrics Radioactive. Honestly, he was just as shocked as anyone that he had gotten in trouble - let alone suspended - on the first day of school. That was not in his track record at all, but when he saw that Lamia's serpent body he immediately sprung into action. He was glad he did otherwise the janitor would have been it's next meal.

The one thing he did forget to do was check his surroundings. Besides their abilities, he and his siblings, all had the sight; a way to see the true form of a supernatural being. The only issue was if a normal, mundane, saw the supernatural creature they would only see their human form. Sure enough, that's what two teenagers saw: Leon beating a nine year old girl senseless.

"Oh, Aiden will love this story," Leon mumbled. That is if the cops got to the school first before Mya showed up. Besides being a homecoming beacon to Mor-El, it also made their powers stronger and combining that times four . . . Well, it's obvious why daddy-dearest wants us dead.

"Leon!" Mya exclaimed. He heard her shrill voice over his music and he gave her a sheepish smile. He noticed a colorful garment in her hands.

"Hey, your cheer outfit! Congrats, sis."

"Don't give me that -."

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave," a lady at the front dusk said with a Jerry curl style hair and pinched lips. Her desk label read: Janet Farms. She was glaring at Mya with a look of utter distaste.

"This is my brother, Leon Ryder. There's some -."

"Mmhm, I see," was all she said and Mya glared at her.

"Why didn't you use your power on her at least?" Mya mumbled. Leon shrugged his shoulders. He was always nagged so much not to do anything stupid, he usually waited till the last minute before using them.

"Oh, my - just do it, Leon."

"With pleasure," Leon said in a bored tone, "Hey, Mrs. Farms . . ." The moment that the women looked at Leon the tightened expression on her face went slack. Leon's ability was manipulation of the mind and body. He could control their movements, implant thoughts and ideas into a person's head just by looking at them or speaking their name.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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