One Year (Jerza)

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It had been almost a year.

A full year ago a great warrior was lost.

A miserable year he lived knowing his true love was gone.

She would've been twenty-five that night, and happily married to her fiancée Jellal.  Erza died on a mission Jellal, Meredy, and she went on to take down a dark guild.

Jellal had proposed by a large tree right outside the guild just a week before the mission that would result in the saddest year he would ever know.

He sat by the tree on most clear nights gazing at the stars, thinking about his Scarlet Knight. 

What if she hadn't left him so soon?

He imagined her walking down the isles, in a beautiful wedding gown.

If he had only acted sooner he believed he could've saved her.

But could've he really?

Or would he have been the one to parish?

He could never stand to know he cased Erza such pain.

On some nights he would wonder about what their children might have looked like,

Would have they have a child with a brave warrior spirit?

Or a child like himself?

His dreams were useless.

Deep down, Jellal knew this.

He knew he couldn't have made it to her in time.

He knew his fantasies were just that, hopeless fantasies.

He knew he would never hold his sweet Scarlet Knight in his arms again.

One year ago...

It was hard to believe.

He rose from his spot, wiping rivers of tears from his face.

He'd never forget her, or cease missing her.

He headed home as he did most nights, wishing his dreams could have been true.

But they couldn't be.

They would never be.

Those hopes and dreams had been crushed,

One year ago.

One long, miserable, year ago.

Welp, sorry for making you depressed. Word count: 313

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