Chapter #5: Planning

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The night was calm and cool - not a cloud in the sky. It was easy to see the stars when the sky was like this.

I sat on the edge of the barn's big window, letting my feet dangle. Using the gardening hoe from earlier, I scraped my knife against it, sharpening my blade.
When I had it sharp enough for my liking I took a practice throw. My knife sailed through the air and stuck perfectly into an old bag of horse feed slumped against the wall.

Smirking to myself, I got up to retrieve it, bringing it back to where I sat.
I turned the blade over in my hands now, admiring it. This knife had practically become a part of me, it felt so odd not having it on me in town that day.

It dawned on me now that I had survived my first day in Hemingford. And it had gone better than I had expected. The adults didn't seem suspicious of me and I had even been able to blend in among the town's residents.
The only part that troubled me was the kid at the diner. The way he stared at me made me feel so on edge. I wondered who he was. He'd have to tell me if I confronted him about it. But then again, a confrontation probably wasn't the way to handle this.
Maybe Katie would know who he was if I asked her?

Katie - she seemed a bit mad at me at the cafe - said that I needed to be friendlier. But could she blame me for being curt with her? The way she acted would make any kid from Gatlin disgusted!
But I wasn't in Gatlin anymore. I was in Hemingford - Katie's territory, not mine.

So did that mean that I should listen to her? Be nicer?
As much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew that Katie would know more about this place and what it took to get along here better than I would. Taking her advice was probably the smartest thing for me to do.
I let out an annoyed breath, setting down my knife.

Why did the outlander have to be right?

Except she wasn't an outlander. Katie lived here and she was below the age of sin still. She was just...confused.
I wondered if I could help her? Make her see the way of the Lord? It would take some doing, but perhaps if when I returned to Gatlin, bringing a new follower would ease Issac's anger. It was surely worth my time to at least try.

But then, another thought came to mind.
Converting Katie would definitely take time. At the very least a week with how tainted she currently seemed.
But would that be enough? Could I convince her to join me in that amount of time? Would I even be able to stand staying in Hemingford that long?

I looked out at the night sky and the dark cornfield before me. Closing my eyes, I listened as the gentle breeze blew the corn - as if the Lord was trying to communicate with me in that moment.
When I opened my eyes, I felt more sure of myself. My shoulders relaxed themselves.
He Who Walks Behind the Rows wouldn't mind if I took a few more days away from Gatlin. If it meant bringing Him another child to follow His will. I would be doing His work. It made sense.

So it was decided. I would stay in Hemingford a week, convert Katie, and then bring her back with me when I returned to Gatlin. It would work - And I could even begin working on her tomorrow.

I smiled, feeling a bit excited to put my plan into action. But it was cut short by a new voice below me.

"I'm telling you Vick, Bob isn't here!" An older man was saying to another, about the same age.
Both of the men had greying hair, fading slightly. They wore overalls and worn work boots.

The other man, who I assumed was "Vick", turned to the first.

"He has to be here. We searched all over town earlier and didn't find him. This barn is the only place we haven't checked. Bob's got to be in here." He grunted.

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