Chapter #15: Micah's Memoir

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*Micah's POV*

I watched in silence from the darkness of the cornfield like I always did. When hidden in the Lord's shadows, no one ever saw me. Even now as my black eyes peered up between the stalks to the open barn window, it was as if I wasn't even there.

Sitting on the window's edge I could see were my two usual subjects: Malachai and Katie. I'd been keeping a close eye on Malachai ever since I first saw him in town. I knew he was one of the Lord's children from Gatlin, it was written all over him. But not so much anymore, not since he began to hang around with Katie.

She had this effect on him, to make his anger and hatred for the world of the sinners dissolve into acceptance, to make it permissible. She was an underaged example of what Malachai would love to slaughter back in his old mindset. The ways of the outlanders tainted her worse with each passing day, and now she was doing the same to him.

I'd never liked Katie. Even before the murders of Burt, Vicky, Sarah and Job. She had always been different than the rest of us, resistant to our ways and our faith. The Lord didn't like her either, says she's too strong-willed. However, he also says that if this stone solid will of her's was to be with Him, she would be an unstoppable follower.

He's had ideas for how to convert her; the drinking of a preacher's blood, the killing of an adult sinner - but none of these He said would suffice. No, the only way Katie could become one of His children, would be by her own account. But...He also has told me that a bit of incentive from my end wouldn't hurt her.

I chuckled now at this thought and glanced back up at the barn window. The two of them were sitting side by side, arms together drawing out a pattern in the stars. I scoffed at Katie's petty attempts to intrigue Malachai with science. She's always been good in the subject, though, science wasn't needed in the world. It provided answers through hours of sleepless work and research. Whereas, if one were to just turn to the Lord, he would give you exactly what you wanted within a matter of minutes in exchange for your devotion. No research was needed to see that His way was indeed the best way.

Except now, my eyes watched as Katie leaned over and planted her mouth onto Malachai's. Around me the stalks rustled uneasily, showing the Lord's restlessness. And it became worse now when Malachai moved back in to kiss her again.

It was unbelievable that his faith had depleted so much within just a few days. He was weak. Letting an outlander put her filthy mouth on his own was a simple form of blasphemy, surely he knew that. He was only allowed to do these types of things with a girl that was also underneath the Lord, again something he should know. Malachai was walking on a slippery slope with this relationship he had with Katie, and he had just fallen a little bit further. I knew that it was my duty as one of the Lord's children to ensure that it didn't go any further. To keep Malachai from completely plummeting into the dark abyss of ultimate sin. Katie was still 18 for now, but not for much longer. It was October 8th, her date of birth was the 29th - she was almost 19. And if the act of ultimate sin were to be committed after she reached this age, there would be no repenting for either one of them.

The brisk wind blowing against my face took me out of my thoughts again and I looked back up at the barn window. Only this time, Malachai and Katie were gone. Narrowing my eyes, I searched around for them, stopping when I spied them coming out of the barn. They looked as though they were heading home. Quietly, I followed after them, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows.

Keeping a close enough distance away from the two of them, I observed how they walked next to each other with their hands intertwined, swinging slightly between them. The sight of it caused me to roll my eyes. Pathetic, the way they acted as two lovestruck imps, having no idea that they had sinned. Seeing Katie smile at Malachai with dreamy eyes only made my stomach turn, even more so when he returned it. The fool - how could he not see the lies behind her gaze? Her friendly nature was deceiving. Katie was nothing short of a human succubus. Raised by adult sinners, she challenged the Lord and aimed to taint His children. She had already gotten her hands on Malachai, and would probably come for me if I got close enough to her. But luckily I was smarter than that.

The two of them came up to Katie's home now, stopping to talk on her front step. I ducked behind the side of her house, craning my neck to listen to them.

Malachai spoke first, his tone coming out shy at first, but slowly easing into it.
    "Thanks...for tonight...I never thought there could be that much to know about the stars."

I found myself rolling my eyes again as Katie replied, her voice chipper as ever.
    "You picked the right venue for it. The thanks is all on you!"

There was a hesitation then, neither one of them said anything. A few seconds passed before Malachai finally cleared his throat.

    "Also...thank you...for trusting me, you know...with everything that you told me. I know that it probably wasn't ideal for you to talk about." He added on.

I exhaled. He spoke as though he'd never killed someone before. It was ridiculous how gentle he thought he had to be with her. My brother under the Lord was going soft.

Katie chuckled once before answering him.
    "Don't mention it. You live here now, you were going to hear the story one way or another. So it was probably better that you heard it from me first."
She paused for a couple seconds before tacking something else on.
    "But...thanks for not freaking out when I told you about my relation to Isaac."

    "Of course." Malachai responded politely. I couldn't help but smirk at his calm tone. Poor boy, he was probably shaking inside. His new girlfriend was the kin of the leader of his faith that he was betraying.

I heard Katie step closer to him, the sound of her kissing him followed.
    "I'll see you tomorrow?"

    "Yeah. Definitely." Malachai agreed. He paused for a second, his tone coming out warmer.
    "Goodnight, Katie."

I heard him step off the front stoop and start leaving down the driveway. Katie unlocked her front door and chimed back to him in a sing-song voice.
    "Goodnight, Malachai. Sleep well."

With this said, she went inside, closing and relocking the door behind her. The night fell silent once more, the only noise being the slight crunch of Malachai's footsteps on the ground as he headed back to the bed & breakfast. I watched him go for awhile, letting him get a safe distance away before I followed.

As I went along in the darkness behind Malachai, I began to think of ways that I could help free him of Katie's grasp. The incentive that would push her over to the Lord's side. Perhaps something tragic - a death maybe? But who?

Her father would be too drastic - killing him would only depress her as her mother's death had. But there were others...her friend Lacey, a sinner just like her, but prayed on other blasphemers and not the Lord's children. She could work, the world would do well with one less succubus plaguing it.
There was also Katie's coworker: Colton Evilian. A regular sinner, he did everything that the adult outlander could do to infect himself. Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sinning - it was a mystery as to how he hadn't killed himself already without assistance. But...perhaps I could help move that process along.

A grin grew its way along my face. Surely once those two infidels were dead, Katie would start to see things the Lord's way. And if she didn't, well I'm sure the other adults in town would make that decision for her. She'd be sent to Gatlin, more than likely along with Malachai and myself as well. We'd have no choice but to join the others, as His children. I chuckled at this as I made my way around to the front of the bed & breakfast, out of sight of Malachai. Standing outside the front door, I stifled my snickering and composed myself. I uttered one final thing before I went inside.

    "All Hail He Who Walks Behind the Rows."

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