Chapter #10: Picnic

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The sun woke me up the next day, causing me to rub my eyes and sit up in bed. The clock on the table next to it read 11:30 a.m.

I groaned and got up, digging through my backpack for a set of clothes. As I pulled out one of my pairs of jeans and a dark red tshirt, I realized that I was going to have to find a way to wash my clothes in this place. Before the cleansing, whenever our washer broke, my mom always took our things to the laundromat. Maybe there was one in Hemingford I could go to?

I decided it was best to just keep an eye out for one as I passed through town later and made my way to the bathroom. Showering a bit faster today, I dried myself quickly and dressed in the clothes I'd grabbed afterwards. Minutes later when I had fully prepared myself for the day, I shoved my backpack underneath the bed and snuck out the bedroom window to the ground below.

The streets of Hemingford were lively as usual as I made my way towards Katie's house. Residents busied themselves with work or shopping like they always seemed to do. Some even offered smiles to me as I passed them by, I tried my best to give one back to them as to not seem suspicious.

Eventually I made my way up Katie's driveway and to her front door, giving a firm knock. I fully expected her father to answer the door again, but was surprised when Katie herself opened up. She gave me a large grin and pulled something out from behind her back. I glanced down at it - a basket?

"Have a picnic with me?" Katie asked sweetly.

I grew my own smirk and nodded to her.

Katie stepped out her front door and closed it behind her with a giddy expression. The two of us headed back down her driveway, me next to her. When we began walking down the sidewalk she looked over at me.

"I'm sorry about falling asleep on you last night. I guess I was more tired than I thought." She chuckled.

I shook my head, my mouth in half a smile.
"You don't have to apologize to me. I understand if you were tired."

Katie kept staring at me, looking like she wanted to say something else. A small grin pulled at the corners of her mouth.
"My dad told me that you wrapped your blanket around me before you left. Is that true?"

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.
"You were shaking underneath your own so I thought it might help."

Katie's smile widened a bit.
"Well it was still very sweet of you to do. Thank you." She stopped now and leaned in closer to me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

My face flushed a pink color when she did this. I mentally cursed myself for becoming embarrassed and my skin for being so pale to let it show so easily. Katie only giggled and continued walking. Going at a little slower of a pace behind her, I put my hand to where she'd kissed, not wiping it off, but just wondering why she did that. Was that her way of thanking me? She'd already said it so why bother to do that? I shook my head of my thoughts, deciding not to think too hard on it. Katie was just expressing her gratitude and that was all.

Quickening my pace to catch back up to her again, I glanced down at the picnic basket in her hand and the checkered blanket hanging off her shoulder.
"Do you need me to carry anything?"

Katie smirked at me.
"No, I think I've got it." She adjusted her grip on the basket and the blanket on her shoulder.

The two of us walked in silence now. I watched Katie, periodically seeing the blanket slip from her shoulder and her having to fix it. Finally, when she had readjusted it for about the third time, I reached out and took it from her, throwing it over my own shoulder without a word. She snapped her head to me and said nothing, but just smiled my way, which I half returned.

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