Thirty Five

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Never in my seventeen years of life had I experienced such a perfect day. The sun was glimmering down on my bare chest, sunglasses perched on the bridge of my nose. The luscious grass tickled my exposed skin. I savoured the feeling of the warmth and sketched it in my brain. I vowed to never forget this day, as I lay in my garden in a pair of grey shorts, sipping a blue-raspberry iced tea beside the one I was slowly falling for. Finn was even more perfect than the blissful weather. His hair was tousled across the greenery with shadows casting beneath his long eyelashes. He, too, was shirtless and I found myself drooling over his tamed six pack and the sweet deliciousness of his glittering skin.

This is Summer, I thought. I sat up and took another gulp of my chilled drink, making sure to slurp it, purely to annoy Finley. "You know I hate it when you do that," he sighed, pathetically.

"I know, that's why I did it," I chuffed.

He rolled his eyes. "Shithead."

I laid back down, sinking my toes into the turf. It was Saturday afternoon, around 3pm. Steph had taken Bobby out to the pool, Dad was at work, which left only Mum and I. I'd invited Finn over earlier, and he jumped at the chance to see me again. We hadn't properly spoken since that night where we... you know. Regretfully, I'd gone to school the morning after and we hadn't had a chance to talk about it since. It's a shame he's not a year older, or I'm not a year younger. That way we'd get to see each other far more often.

"So, uh, any drama at school?" Small talk, good start... ish. Although I was enjoying the peace, I enjoyed listening to his voice more, which is why I continued talking. "I mean, anything juicier than usual?"

"Umm, no, not really. I suppose one lad did get this lass - Cherry, I think she's called - to suck him off in the boy's bathroom."

"Wait, Cherry?" I suddenly sat up, leaning over towards Finn. I watched the curve of his lips as he began talking.

"Yeah, you know her?"

"I guess you could say that."

"You two went out, didn't you?" His face seemed to drop, like he was disappointed. Bless him, at least I wasn't actually into her.

"Um... yeah, we did."

"She give you head?"


"Was it as good as Ben made it out?"

"Nowhere near," I chuckled. He smiled, his usual chirpy attitude returning. Thank God, I'd hate to think I'd upset him over something as silly as that.

We both took another sip of our tea simultaneously. I slumped back down on the grass, fluttering my eyes closed. I was a few moments away from sleep when my mother marched into the yard, a pretty apron tied around her petite waist. "Zak, sweetie, you've got a visitor."

Unfortunately, that visitor was the bitch herself, Skai Kelly, and overly cheery beam glued to her matted pink lips. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses before greeting her. "Aw, hey, baby!" I welcomed, getting up to wrap her in my arms.

"Afternoon, chocolate cake, what are you up to?" She pinched my cheeks as she spoke and I tried my hardest not to flinch.

"Nothin' much, Finn and I are just dossing (hanging) out. Wanna join?"

The seventeen-year-old agreed instantly and she took a seat, regretfully, in between Finn and I. We all laid on the ground, hazily gazing up at the fluffy clouds roaming the sky. It suddenly felt more tense between the three of us, especially since I knew Skai's thoughts over Finley. She probably only agreed to stay because she was scared a gay boy was going to make a move on her shirtless boyfriend, who, in fact, also happens to be gay. Haha, it'd be funny if she found out what we did earlier this week. I could almost taste the rage sparking from her ears. I wonder what she'll think when she actually does find out I'm gay, because she will. It may not be now, or even tomorrow, but at some point she will find out I'm gay, and all Hell will break loose in all its wrath.

"So, why did you come?" I asked my girlfriend, attempting small talk. Finn hadn't spoken since she'd arrived, and I was getting nervous.

"What? Am I not randomly allowed to visit my boyfriend? But I didn't realise you had company, or else I wouldn't have come." I could sense the obvious distaste laced throughout that phrase, but I chose to ignore it, purely because I didn't want to start an argument.

"No, it's okay. It's nice to see you on such a lovely day." I leant over and placed a soft, short kiss on her coloured lips. I looked over at the other blond as I did so to see him fake throwing up. I stifled a laugh and returned to my place on the ground.

We laid like that for another half an hour, then Mum came outside with a tray of fruits and such. "Here you go, enjoy," she smiled, however Finn actually stood up, throwing on a shirt.

"Actually, I'd best be off. My parents will be wondering where I've gotten to," He said. I knew it was because of Skai, otherwise he probably would've spent the night, easily.

"Oh, really? What a shame. Do you need a lift home?" Mum pouted.


"I'll drive him." I jumped to my feet and sprinted inside for my keys. Fuck Skai, I'm spending as much time as possible with Finley. I didn't bother putting on a shirt as I got into the ageing car. Finn followed shortly behind, taking a seat beside me in the passenger's side.

"Ready?" I asked. He nodded as I backed out the driveway.

Luckily, there was a fair amount of traffic on the roads, so it was going to take a lot longer to get to his house. "So, you got any homework you need to do?"

"What are you? My mum?" He huffed.

"Jesus, I was just asking," I defended. What has gotten into him? One minute he's all over me and the next he can't stand to be near me. Have I done something wrong? No- oh, wait, Skai. Shit, he can't seriously be mad about that. It's not like he didn't know I had a girlfriend.

"Is this about Miss. Kelly?" He didn't reply, so I took it as a yes. "For fuck's sake, dude. You have to accept Skai and I are dating. But remember I can't stand that bitch, it's you I want, not her. I don't want to hide in the storage cupboard at school making out with her, or lay out on the grass sipping iced tea. I only want you, you know that."

"So, why the hell are you with her?!" He snapped.

"We've already talked about this loads, Finn."

"And every time I'm never satisfied with the response. Look, I really really fucking like you, okay? But I don't feel like you reciprocate it. I want us to be together like a proper couple, I don't want to be hidden in the shadows anymore."

We stopped at a traffic light. "I really like you, too. I'm just not ready. Please, just be patient with me. We can be a proper couple eventually." I took a deep breath before continuing. "But for the moment, would you, Finley Renolds, care to be my boyfriend-in-secret?"

He bit his lip, a smirk beginning to stretch across his cheeks. At least the tension had eased, slightly, yet now I was praying to the Lord himself he would say yes.


"Thank God," I grinned, releasing a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. I leant over the console and kissed him sweetly on the lips, just as the light turned green. Smiling like a dork, I drove off down the road. Finally, he was mine.

Song: 'Strawberries And Cigarettes' by Troye Sivan

A/N: A bit of a short one, but I tried to make it as cute as possible. Also, I hope all the dialogue isn't annoying, I feel like it might be too much. Until next time :)

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