Chapter 11

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Leigh-Anne hid Liam's body. She buried his lifeless body in his own backyard. She cleaned up his house using gloves. She didn't want to leave any evidence. Leigh-Anne hacked into Liam's email and emailed their high school.

To:Lego Reef Deaf High School

Good Afternoon. I won't be attending this school anymore. I'll be moving to a different city due to personal reasons. Thank you for your understanding.

From: Liam James Payne

After sending that email, she closed his laptop and put it back where it originally was. Leigh-Anne left shortly

Leigh-Anne's POV

I killed that stupid traitor. I thought me and him were on the same page but no! We weren't! This retard was on a complete different chapter.

After he killed Louis, he told me and I kept his secret. I would always change the subject if someone asked him about Louis. I kept his secret for months. And this I what I get in return! He's a traitor. I kept his secret. He owed me. I wanted something specific.

Zayn Malik dead

You are probably wondering why I want him dead. Here is your answer: I never liked him! He doesn't deserve Perrie. I should be the one holding her hand and kissing her. Not Zayn! Some hearing boy doesn't deserve to be in a deaf school. I don't care if it was for some stupid project. I'm glad he's blind now.

When Perrie told me Zayn was in the hospital, I prayed that he will die in that hospital bed.

I guess my prayers weren't heard. Now how am I going to kill Zayn. I will kill Zayn. But, I'm going to need some help.


I drive to his door. I ring the doorbell. I can see through his window that the lights are flashing. He opens it and barge inside, close the door and pin him to the nearest wall. I pull out my gun and aim his forehead. His blue eyes are wide open.

"What's going on Leigh?" He signs. I just smirk.

"You are going to help me with something. Don't help me? The trigger will be pulled." I sign with one hand while my other hand is holding the gun and is aiming at his head.

In a couple days is PROM and Perrie and Zayn are probably going. She must look so beautiful in the dress she will wear. It's going to be hard for me not to just touch her, but I have to be strong and resist touching her. It's so difficult not to get lost in her sea blue eyes. And her pale white skin I just want to caress with my tan fingers. Anyone that had the chance to be with her is so lucky. Whenever we hug, I savor that moment forever. It's a real blessing having her that close to me.

~a couple days later~

Me and Niall made a plot to kill Zayn and I think this is really going to work. I told Niall the whole situation. I told him the real story of Louis' death and Liam's aftermath. I made him shut his mouth. He may have cried when I told him but I just slapped him with my gun. Niall passed out for a bit. I didn't want to see his blue eyes form tears. He knows his consequence if he chooses not to help me and/or betray me.

This plan has to work

Perrie's POV

Me and Jade barely found out the other day that tomorrow is PROM! So we just went out today and got our dresses. Sam already got his tuxedo. And so did Zayn. While we were shopping, my eyes will get a bit watery. Louis' image is stuck in my head more than ever right now.

Niall's POV

Scariest. Time. Of. My. Life.

Leigh barged into my house, demanding me to help her on her wicked plot do murder Zayn.

When she aimed the gun at me, I really thought that very second I was going to die. That she would have pulled the trigger. I prayed that my life wouldn't be taken away already. Thankfully, it hasn't but I don't want to live like this. I don't want to kill Zayn. I don't want to kill anyone. I'm not a bloody murder like Liam and Leigh. They are sick people that deserve a punishment.

I can't believe Liam is the reason Louis is dead and that Leigh kept it as a secret these past couple of months. Who knew Liam was going to be killed by his partner in crime. Liam was a very good friend of mine. A brother even. The fact he killed Louis, made my brotherly love for him fade away.

I never knew Leigh-Anne was a bisexual person. She has a collection of photographs of Perrie in her purse. All of them are her in a bikini. It's kinda creepy. If they were a couple then that will be a bit more understandable.

But they aren't so it's creepy.

Hey beautiful people 😘 so sorry for the short crappy chapter :/ thanks 4 reading ~mixerssalute1

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