There's more to him

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"I will be right back, I need to pee" I said to Lexi as I was heading to the bathroom

"want me to order for you?" Lexi asked

"yeah ,you know what I get?" I double checked

"of course caramel frappe lite" She said confirming it

"you got it girl" I said in a typical white girl american accent causing us both to laugh

After I used the bathroom I started to walk back to Starbucks when I was pushed against a wall, not roughly but it was enough to give me a fright

"hey babe" I heard in a husky voice and looked to see who had pushed me against the wall, he was about 5 7" or 5 8" and was wearing a tank top that said "don't fuck with me" and a pair of black jeans that fitted him tightly. I couldn't help but notice the numerous tattoos littered across his chest, up and down his arms and slightly up his neck, his lip piercings, eyebrow piercing or ear piercings didn't go a miss either.

"excuse me, I need to go" I said about to walk away from him, but he placed both of his hands at either side of my head preventing me from being able to escape

"why so soon babe? We just met" He said looking down on me a smirk playing on his lips

"don't call me that" I said in a harsh tone, seeing as I had never met this guy and he just expects to be able to treat me like his girlfriend or something?

"I am sorry beautiful-"

"that either now let me go" I said cutting him off and attempting to push his arm away from me but he was too strong

"not so quick" the guy said and dipped one of his hands into my back pocket taking my phone out

He typed in what I assume was his number and then put it back in grabbing my butt slightly whilst removing his hand causing me to gasp and him to smirk. He then just walked away like nothing happened and I returned to my friend and did the same.

There's more to himWhere stories live. Discover now