Red Lights

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"what took you so long?" Lexi asked as I met up with her outside Starbucks

"eh n-nothing" I lied which may I add I am terrible at

"Courtney you suck at lying what happened?" Lexi interrogated

"ok well I was coming back from the bathroom when this Niall dude basically pushed me against the wall and typed his number in my phone" I said just brushing it off

"wait did this Niall guy have tattoos, piercings and an Irish accent?" Lexi suggested slightly panicking

"yeah why?" I said realizing that Niall did in fact have a different accent that was Irish

"that's Niall Horan" Lexi exclaimed

"and...?" I gestured for her to go on

"he is trouble, and unfortunately you are now involved in that, just stay away from him" Lexi said in a hushed voice

"what do you mean I am now involved?" I asked now also a bit scared

"when he has his eye on a girl, he gets her and he will do anything to make her 'his'" She said

"How am I meant to avoid him?"

"just ignore any attempts he makes to contact you, this other girl done that and he eventually gave up" she said

"right... okay" I said trying to process the fact that some punk wants me, I mean yeah he was really hot but like Lexi said he is trouble.

"we better get home you start your shift in two hours" Lexi chirped handing me my bags back

"oh shit" I cursed under my breath

"so you and Shane getting anywhere?" Lexi teased me as we walked to our car

"no I already told you, he has a girlfriend and we are just friends" I  exclaimed

"yeah because friends make sexual jokes all the time" she said referring back to the time I flicked him off and he winked asking when and how hard

"oh my god, we are just friends I swear" I laughed

"ok ok then" Lexi said laughing getting into the passenger side, we take turns on who drives as none of us are big fans and Lexi can't handle the rush hour traffic which is exactly what we are just about to hit. Every single light we went by we were stopped but this time as we were stopped a black range rover pulled up beside the boy in the passenger seat was telling me to roll my window down, I had a funny feeling this boy knew or at least had something to do with Niall seeing as he had a lip piercing as well as the gauges and I could see tattoos poking from the sleeves and collar of his black shirt, therefore I just pretended I didn't see him

"that guy is cute, roll the window down" Lexi squealed

"no, I think he has something to do with Niall" I said hushed for god knows what reason, the boy wouldn't be able to hear us

"how come?" Lexi questioned

"look at him, the piercings, tattoos" I said in a duh tone

"yeah and you are the one to say don't judge a book by its cover" Lexi scoffed as the light turned green

"if we are by them at the next light I will roll the window down just for you then huh?" I said trying to prove a point and also not seem hypocritical. I secretly knew that we wouldn't pass them again though as they were in the lane to turn.

"promise?" Lexi said holding out her pinky

"I promise" I clutched her pinky in my own

We were almost home when yet again we got stopped at a red light and to my surprise the same black range rover pulled up beside us. REALLY?! and yet again they were beeping and telling me to roll the window down, which I did this time. As I done so Lexi quietly squealed and thanked me, but as soon as I did I instantly regretted it and from the look on Lexi's face we were in the same position as like I said this boy did have something to do with Niall, in fact Niall was driving the car and when I rolled down the window that same smirk was on his face.

"well look who we have here?" Niall chuckled with a huge smirk evident on his face

"so is this the girl?" Someone from the back shouted, he had his raven black hair in a quiff and like the others was covered in tattoos and piercings, I even think this guy was wearing eye liner.

"shut up Zayn!" Niall hissed

"her friend isn't too bad either" the guy in the passenger seat said and Lexi then looked down blushing causing all of the guys to chuckle, just then luckily the light turned green and they drove off down a side street and we carried on going straight.

"I am so sorry" Lexi said still slightly red

"I told you so and it's fine, it looks like the guy you like has a little something for you anyway" I now teased her

"oh shut up, I am not having anything to do with any of them, like I said they are trouble" she said

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