Married To Mr. Billionaire

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By: Ellisa_Evans

I ruffled the twin's hair and kissed their forehead. "Alright, it's time to go home, sweetie," I said.

The twins looked at me with sadness. "Ma'am, can't you come to home with us?" the twins said.

"No, sweethearts, I am only a daycare teacher," I denied their offer.

the twins seamed said as they were in the verge of crying. I heard a car's parking sound and turned around and saw the most stupidest enemy of mine. "Eden?" Eden and I used to go to highschool together and he was a playboy there. Eden dated every girl for a week and broke up with them. seeing Eden after so many years were weird. I hated him, no . . I still hate him . . . or I will always hate him. Eden doesn't even have a single respect for women. But what is Eden doing here?.

"Daddy!" The twins said as they crawled to Eden.

Daddy? Eden is these beautiful twins daddy? that's impossible. how can a stupid man like him have the most beautiful babies?

Eden took the twins on his arms.

"Daddy, can we have Ma'am as our mommy?" the twins said.

Eden and I looked at eachother in shock. there is no way in heck that I am going to get married with that billionaire playboy!

this story is about Eden, a workaholic business, was a player in highschool and a single dad, and about a simple woman name Juni, who doesn't believe in love. what happens when they get married for the sake of his twins but end up falling in love?

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