Chapter one part two- That's F***ing Amazing Babe!

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:Roxy's POV:

I sat on the bed in me and Brand's shared room, bass on lap. Payaye's producers sent me the music I had to learn for each set. I was going to meet up with them next week so we can practice for the tour, which is in a month. I heard the front door close and talking so I put my bass on it's stand and walked out to meet the boys. Sure enough, all 4 of them were there.

"Hey babe," Brandon said giving me a hello kiss, that I gladly accepted.

"Hey," I smiled, "I have great news for you guys."

"And what might that be little Kropp?" Hayden asked, slinging an arm other my shoulder. We call each other by last names a lot, inside joke. I casually removed his arm.

"Well Tree, I think you guys will be happy to know I'll be touring with Crown and Palaye Royale next month!" I kinda squealed the last part.

"That's fucking awesome babe!" Brandon kissing me again.

"This calls for celebration," Andy smirked, walking to the kitchen. Anything remotely exciting in this man's life is an excuse to drink.

After about two hours of being under 21 drinking sprite while Andy went kinda crazy pounding shots. Brent ended up having to drive a hammered Andy home, he was definitely gonna regret his choices tomorrow.

Brandon and I were laying in bed playing Xbox.

"I never really got to celebrate with you," Brandon glanced over at me.

"Yeah you did, we spent the last two hours celebrating," I replied, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Not the way I thought we could have," Brandon paused the game.

"How did you want to celebrate then?" I asked slightly annoyed that he was interrupting our game to bitch about not being able to go to the club or something. Just then Brandon had his hand on my thigh.

"I was thinking maybe like this," Brand whispered in my ear.

"Ohh," was all I was able to get out before lips were on lips.

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