Meeting The Palaye Brothers

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:Roxy's POV:
7am and my alarm was blaring.
Today was my first rehearsal with Palaye before tour. I went to get out of bed only to have Brandon wrap his arms around me and pull me into his embrace.
"Can you stay a little while longer?" He asked kissing my neck.
"I wish I could but I have a band practice with the Palaye boys." I escaped from Brandon's hold and continued with my morning. I decided it would be a good idea to "casually support the boyfriend" at our first meeting so I threw on a Crown the Empire tank with dark ripped mom jeans. I went to the bathroom and decided my makeup for the day would be winged eyeliner, and a highlighter so bright it could blind a man. I brushed out my bangs and braided my hair into two braids. Kinda childish I know, but braids were my go to style. I checked my purse for everything I needed, gave a still sleeping Brandon a kiss on the head, grabbed my bass, grabbed my car keys, and headed out. It took me about half an hour to get to Remington's house, where they decided we were gonna meet to practice. When I arrived I could already hear some music blasting from inside. I rang the door bell, and the volume of the music went softer. The door opened to reveal Emerson. Who I'd never really thought about this before, but looked a lot like me. Same hair color, same eyes, safe face shape... weird.
"Hey," he said, pulling an out of my slight trance, "You must be Roxy." He reaches out his hand, which I shook.
"Yep, that's me," I chuckled back.
"Well come inside," he open the door wider for me to step in, "we're just waiting for Seb to show up." I stepped inside and looked around. Remington lived in a not too big, but not too small house. It was surprisingly put together for a guy with such a wild personality.
"Want anything to drink?" Emerson asked me.
"Uh yeah sure, some water would be great please," I say realizing I still haven't eaten or drank anything yet today, I was too excited to get over here I forgot. Emerson showed me to the living room and then left to go get me water. I sat on the couch and waited. 2 minutes later he came back in with Remington.
"Heyyy," Remington said as he gave me a fist pump. Right as they were about to sit down with me the doorbell rang again.
"Uno momento por favor," Rem told me as he ran to get the door. Emerson passed me my water and sat down next to me.
"So, how long you been playing bass?" He asked me.
"Hmmm," I thought for a second, "about 12 years?"
"Wowwie, that's a pretty long time, "so Hayden taught you-" before we could continue our conversation, Sebastian entered the room. He paused for a second, and look back and forth between me and Emerson.
"You guys look, really similar," was all he said.
"That's what I was thinking!" Rem and I blurted out at the same time, we both paused then chuckled.
"Weird," Seb muttered to himself, "well I'm Sebastian." He he held out his hand to shake.
"Roxanne," I said shaking back, "but you can call me Roxy." I winked.
"So, you're gonna be on your with us for the next month. You know you're going to be touring with Crown the Empire too right?" Remington said sitting down in an armchair, "I'm guessing you already know who they are." He said gesturing to my tank top.
"Well I guess you could say that..." I giggled to myself.
"What?" Remington asked confused, "What's so funny?"
"Well I guess you could say I've known Crown since before they were Crown," I explained, "I've known them for the past 12 years, and Brandon has been my boyfriend for the past 2. So yeah, I already know who they are." I smirked at the boys.
"Oh sorry," Remington started up, "I didn't realize."
"No it's fine," I replied, "so yeah, tour for a month." I gestured for him to continue. Rem was still a lil dumbfounded, so Sebastian took over talking.
"Yeah so we leave for tour in a month, then we're on tour for a month," Seb stated, "so we have to practice and make sure you know how to play the bass line for all the songs we're going to be playing." He explained.
"Okay, so then want to get to work?" I suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Emerson responded with, getting up. I grabbed my bass, and the boys showed to to the music room. We practiced for about about 3 hours then we were done for the day.
"Okay, we just need you to sign some paperwork before you leave," Remington told me, he passed me 2 sheets of paper, "it's just a contract saying you're going to stick with us for the whole tour."
"Okay, understandable," I replied taking the paper. One sheet explained what the contract was for, so I went over it to make sure everything was right. The other paper was where I had to sign my full name and signature. I took care of that and gave them back the paperwork.
"You're last name is Kropp too?" Remington asked as he look at the paper. Sebastian turned to look at me, it seemed like he was thinking really hard.
"Uhh yeah," I chuckled back, "weird right? I usually use my middle name on the internet thought. Roxy Eve has a nice ring in my opinion" the guys all nodded in agreement.
"That's actually really funny cuz we all do that too," Emerson said "on tour you can be like our little sister." We all had a small laugh over that as I handed back the paperwork.
"Well it was great practicing with you guys today and I think yours gonna be a great experience for all of us," I gave everyone a small hug as Remington showed me to the door.
"Yeah! Can't wait to get to know my "little sister" better," Remington said jokingly before we said our final goodbyes and I left. I'm glad we're all hitting it off so fast.

Holy fuck guys I'm so sorry for not updating this story in OVER A YEAR. I didn't think I was going to continue but I felt the urge to write again! Thank you to everyone who liked this story and added it to their reading lists! I hope to start actually writing this story again.

Xoxo Jonny

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