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Tessa POv:I drove to Tristan.I made it there and saw that Bry and the roommates where in the living room.
T-BRY,i told them
Tt-good jib tessales
Kia-HEY,she is my roommate too
B-oh Tessa,Bobby is having a birthday party today at 7
KA-and we are going mini golfing with them after dinner
B-so wear something comfy but nice,and BYEE
With that Bry left.We all talked about how fun it will be, being roommates!It was a little later so we started to get changed.I did my make up and put this on for the PARTY!

The i went downstairs to see everyone waiting for me which made me laugh

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The i went downstairs to see everyone waiting for me which made me laugh.
Ka-ahaha *Sarcastic*
Tt-come on let's go
Then we made it to the dinner.We told bobby happy birthday day and gave him a hug.I sat next to bry and correy.We ate so then kian came by.
K-Hey shawty
T-corey control your friend
k-we'll u look hot
T-that's why i wore it not go flirt with someone else
k-what if i don't
T-then i guess u will have to feel lonely
K-and why's that
t-so bry..
K-ok ok i will leave
It's now later and we made it to the golf place.I saw that Kian wasn't playing but flirting with some girl.They don't even look like a good couple.UHH.Wait am i getting jealous.Well he is cute,but he doesn't date so uhh!
Kian POv:I was trying to flirt with the girl.She is hot and all but she doesn't get that i'm being flirty.At least tessa gets it.And she is cutier.Wait do i like t?Whatever,she doesn't even care about me.Well she gives me a dirty look when i flirt with this girl.Wait,is she jealous.She probably don't even like me so what's the point.
Tessa POv:Later the game finished and i said bye to everyone then hugged them.But i didn't hug kian,the girl probably was all over him!Them we left.I changed and went to bed VERY mad cause i guess if kian!What the heck we're not even dating!
Kian Pov:When the game ended i was so pissed that this girl didn't flirty back or anything.The what made me more pissed is that tessa gave everyone a hug but ME!Like what's her problem!I went home and got changed.I went to sleep thinking of why the hell tess would be mad at me!

432 words!Oh SHOOT!Kessa for the win or not!

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