PLAN Failed.

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Chances pOv:Jake called tessa saying i was going crazy.I wasn't we were just going to get her here and play truth or dare and see if she will kiss me.
Tessa PoV:We came inside and saw no one panicking.Also jacks vlogged everything u are about to read.
T-u fuckers
J-hey hey language
T-oh hey jakepaulers
k-um we should get going
E-cause we are playing truth or dare u should play
T-um ok
J-jakepaulers i think their scared
k-we'll we were busy
Then he walked and hugged me from behind.I held his hands by my waist.He kissed my neck a few times then my cheek.
T-and what were we going to do exactly
K-go to my place for a other round
T-omg kian u horny fucker 😂
Then he licked the side of my face.
J-ohhh some action
Cs-well we going to play or what
Then we went upstairs.I sat next to to us was Erika jake Tony ricky And Chance and Alex where right across from us.Nathan set up the camera stand and left.
J-um i will start change truth or dare
J-are u and alex still dating
cs-no,tony truth or dare
cs-i dare u to take a shot of hot sauce
He took the shoot and went wild.He was screaming how it was hot.Then he sat back down.
Tony-tessa truth or dare
T-dare this bitch not scared
Tony-the jakepaulers will love this,i dare u took give kian a lap dance
k-ohh baby
Then i went to kian and started to give him a lap dance.

(That was the lap dance besides the beginning)
K-of fuck  tessa damnnn
I was about to sit back down till kian grabbed my waist and put me on his lap.
K-i just wanna go home now
t-i don't know how i deal with u honey
J-ohhh some action
T-ok erika truth or dare
E-um dare
T-i dare you to lick the floor outside
She went outside and licked the ground.
k-that's nasty
We played a little more and chance was giving me a dare.
Cs-i dare u to kiss me
k-that fuck she is my girlfriend
Cs-and it's a dare
T-stop and no
Cs-u chicken
Then they both stood up and went close.Kian was clenching his fist.
K-leave Tess alone
Cs-why should i do that
K-cause u will regret that
Then Chance moved my me a little and i saw kian was about to punch him.I ran to kian and held his fist.
T-baby no
K-let go he deserves it😡
T-shhhh,i think we should leave
Tony-um yah
R-bye bitch
a-keep your man on a leash
T-at least i have one,and one that i love
I gave kian a kiss on forehead and we went in the car.I was in the driver seat cause kian was still mad.
k-i just wanna beat his fucking face
T-babe stop
I grabbed his fist which made him look at me.
I put them together and kissed them.
T-just calm down
K-just u in general makes me calm down
I smiled softly and let go of his hands.I started driving and put my hand on his thigh.I looked at him and he smiled and put his hand on top of mine.The car ride was silent besides the music.Not awkward.I dropped kian off.
T-u staying by yourself
k-no anderson and harrison are here and corey is next with jc so it's kinda a hang out expect some are staying with jc.
T-do u don't need me
I gave him puppy dog eyes.
K-i'm fine right now and u need to get some rest.
T-but i'm your emotional support girlfriend
K-ahaha bye babe
We kissed good bye and i went back home.When i got there we cleaned up.Kia and Kayal where downstairs with me just laughing and playing fortnite.Tristan went to bed cause he had an acting thing tomorrow.I feel asleep on the couch after me and kayal got ready for bed.Of yah me kayal and kia did the living room challenge.24 hours challenge really just being 6 hours.😂Kia left and went to his bed cause he was "cold" phhh what a baby😂.
Kian Pov:Today has lots of ups and downs.But tessa helped me stay up.She is such a supportive girlfriend and best person to talk to in general.When i went home i went in to correy jc harrison and anderson teasing me about tessa giving me a lap dance cause someone posted on instagram.
C-where's tessa huh
jc-did u hide here
K-we where playing truth or dare
A-oh my in sorry did u dare her to stay away from here
H-omg what the heck
K-u scared me with ur bad joke
We spent the night having fun.Anderson and harrison went next door with Jc and Correy stayed with me.
Chances pov:The fuck kian is suck a prick.I just want to beat his little ass!UH!I was so close to kissing tessa but he got in the way!I just gotta prove tessa still likes me.Bever mind i just wont jake had a talk with me.I think i'm just going to forget i ever like tessa and went back to reality.

944 words!Hoped y'all like it cause it's a little long.If i keep typing i will make 1000 words.So , i'm going to keep typing till i reach it.Im only at 75 few more to go!YAHHH now i'm at 84.Come on i am so close look how hard i'm trying!95 wow it's 999 1,000!

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