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Tessa POv:I was finding my phone in my room then i heard the door shut.I turned around and saw kian.
T-what are u doing in my room
K-couldn't find the bathroom
T-so i wanna use my bathroom?
K-no i wanna talk
T-hmm sit down
then i sat on the bed and he sat next to me.i don't know what's going to happen cause my sacred of what he is going to say or like do.
k-ever sense the day of Bobby's birthday u just like,kinda ignored me or hated me
T-i didn't hate u kian
k-then why are you acting like it huh
T-why can't u ask ur chick,she probably knows what feeling are!
Kian POV:Dam-it!She may be mad but she is so fucking cute mad.I can hear her talk all day.Now i know why she is mad.
K-if jealous,huh
T-why would i be made i'm not someone u fucked twice
K-never done that
T-we'll it's better than the first
O.M.G!I thought she was a virgin!Wait,that means she fucked Chance!
K-i has sex with Chance
T-i'm not stupid!
K-then with who?
T-Noah,now i should leave
Tessa POv:I found my phone.I put it in my pocket then was headed to the door.But,i we stopped by kian.He grabbed my waist and turned me where i was facing him.Then he started to lean in.He stopped right where our lips were about to touch.My hands were on his face and his were in mine.I could feel his breath on my lips.
k-maybe u can show me how it feels
Then it was silent.
T-maybe,i will think about it
When i was done talking kian kissed me.I kissed back.First it was all nice then it turned into a make-out.He grabbed my waist and pulled me to the bed.He was on top then i was on top and stopped kissing him.We both looked at each other and took our breaths.Then i got off him and went by the door and stopped.I turned my head around and looked at him.He looked confused.
T-i said i'll think about it
Then i shut the door and went on the couch.
B-u took a little long
T-it was lost
F-UH i HATE when that happens
Then we talked for a little.
Kian POv:Wow!Hse is such a good kisser and she just made my heart melt.I don't know why but she just had something that i never felt.she also said she might fuck me twice! I think it will be great cause she had sex before and i had sex before.i got up and looked in the mirror cause there always lipstick on.I wiped the make up off which kinda took a little cause i needed to find make up wipes.Then i went downstairs and said bye and left.Left cause i was happy and didn't want some chick to take that away.

521 words!Wow did that just happen or is the tittle clickbait!?😂

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