chapter five

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Jaeden: guys this is Y/n-

???: jaeden wth dude, you don't just Bring fans into big events!

Jaeden: she's-

Y/n: -I'm not a fan.

???: wha-

Y/n: what's your name? Cause honestly I have no clue

???: I don't get it. I don't get how you're here

Y/n: I don't want to be rude but I don't know any of this I've never watched IT or strange things

???2: it's strangER things, and I'm Finn, AND I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HER BEING HERE, WYATT.

*Finn looks at you and smiles, you blush*

Wyatt: bu-she-not-hvjsh-I-don't-un-der-stand. She's probably faking

^Jaeden explains what happened at the fair and you explain the not a fan thing^

Finn: this is gonna be so great, showing up on stage looking all beautiful- er I mean showing off to your so called friends

Y/n: *smiling* I know right. I'm starting to look for new friends

???: why we'll be your new friends! I'm Sophia *she pulls you into a hug*

Y/n: haha okay, but I'm not that shallow, I want to get to know you guys first... Also you'll probably forget me in a week

Finn: I think you're pretty unforgettable *BLUSHH*

Y/n: thanks?

Jack: Yeah wayyyy unforgettable😏

Y/n and Ellie at the same time: jack no. Just no. *Jack winks at you*

Jaeden: *funny voice* is my beautiful girlfriend ready

Y/n: *funny voice* But of course my stunning boyfriend

Wyatt: *flustered* let-lets just go.

^you and Jaeden nod at each other and walk out holding hands^

Y/n: omg...

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