chapter fifteen

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|dream sequence|

You all are at the fair hanging out having fun, then you notice Wyatt is gone.

Y/n: guys where's Wyatt?

No one answers you, it seems like they don't even care. You go and look for him yourself. You look almost every where, then see a red balloon. You hear "follow me for the answer you're looking for..." You follow the balloon to behind the haunted house ride, where you see Wyatt torn to pieces being ripped up and eaten by pennywise. You drop to your knees crying your eyes out.

|back to reality|

You wake up shocked and can't stop crying. You go into the theater and drop to the floor and just cry

???: omg y/n are you okay?

*you look up at the sound of a familiar voice*

Wyatt: y/n what's wrong *he helps you up and you wrap your arms around him, bawling into his shoulder*

Wyatt: I- *he just holds you*

*after five minutes of crying into Wyatt, he brings you over to the couch, you stop crying*

Wyatt: now would you like to why you were crying

Y/n: you're alive and safe and and and...

Wyatt: *laughs* you were crying cause I'm alive and safe?

Y/n: what? *laughs with tears in your eyes* no I just had a nightmare and you were-

Wyatt: was eaten by the clown?

Y/n: ye-yeah

Wyatt: you're so cute *you both blush and you can't stop staring in his eyes, Wyatt goes in for a kiss and-*

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