Star's Nightmare (Dream?) Pt 1

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A/N: This is based on my school dream I had once, but, instead I kinda changed it to fit SVTFOE! Enjoy!Btw, I know this ship is pretty much cannon now, but I still like to write the first few Oneshots as them getting together again, like a re-kinda start.

Star's P.O.V

"Marcoooo!" I exclaimed running towards the front door," I'll leave without you don't hurry up!" 
Since no reply came, I looked back just to make sure he wasn't behind me. Nope. He wasn't. I  sigh in annoyance, and yell once more,"The bus will be leaving without you, and you might not see Jackie today!" Oh, how it hurt to say the last part, but he still hadn't come. Weird. Instead, i decide to dash out the door before the bus leaves. In one simple step, and a blink of an eye, I appear in a park. Wait! What? Why the park? I was just about to leave for the bus? oh well. Since I'm here, I'll just take a stroll, and see if any monsters are nearby! Yeah! Let's kick some monster bootay! 

I looked behind trees, and bushes and even the play equipment, and no! I did not slide down the slide, or swing on the monkey bars, or play hide and seek with Ludo. Wait! I just played hide and seek with Ludo!? Where did he run off too! I look all around the park, when suddenly I got pushed down to the floor, with a loud thud.

"Ouchhh!" I groan as I slowly get up, dusting off the dirt that stuck to my dress. "Who Pushed me!!" I question, as I look around. No one seemed to be nearby, and decided I was ready to keep looking for Ludo, when I realise, I was at school? What has happened to this world? It is even stranger than it was before (I like it!) I go to my locker, and start searching for my English text book. 

"Ah! Here it is!" I kinda sing, not caring how loud my voice is, and not caring if someone could hear me. Wait a minute!

"Where is everyone!" I say out loud as I observe the empty place, no one here but me. Then, one logical explanation popped up in my head.

"Wait? I'm late to class!" My voice shrieked, filled with panic. Quickly, I turn back to my locker, making sure one last time, that I've got everything. Yep, it's all here. I grab my locker door, and In one loud "BANG!" I slam it shut. I turn around, and as I tried to dash off to class, something stood in my way. 

"Are you seri-" I get cut off once I look up, seeing Tom clutching his stomach, wincing due to a  bit of pain. 

"Tommmm!" I slowly gasp, as I realise I sorta hurt him. Well, it wasn't my fault, just sayin! He was the one just standing there, way to close to my personal bubble and-wait, that's right! What's he doing here!

"Tom! Leave me alone, will ya!"I shout, as I stomp my foot down for a more powerful affect. I am just about to turn and leave, when all of a sudden, I hear Tom say something, which caught my attention.

"Starship, please listen." 

I sigh, and look back at him.  All his three eyes show pain, and I decided to listen to what he had to say.

"So, *Nervous chuckle* I'm surprised you didn't go all out mad when you saw me,"  He paused for a second, giving me enough time to roll my eyes,"  And, I wanted to say, I have changed. I, ummm, please will you just give me a chance to show that I reallllyyyyy, have changed." He looked at me with a lot of courage in his eyes, a small genuine smile, and this time, I saw no white bunny behind his back. I might as well go, but I do still have school.

I check my watch and see it is 11:30. Wow. I must be really late! 

"Tom, as much as I would kinda like to go with you, I have-" My sentence got cut short when he suddenly grabbed my arm, and cheerfully said, "Great! Where shall we go?" 

Before I could say a word, Marco's voice sounded through my head, echoing around, telling me to...Wake up? My vision started to blur, and I nearly got pulled out of this newly found dream, until, by calming my mind, and focusing on the scene before, I manage to stay in my current dream, and just to make sure Marco know's I'm still good I yell, "Let me sleep for another hour!" Hopefully he heard it. Now off to see what will happen. 

Marco's P.O.V

"Let meee slep forrr anoter hour." Is what came out of Star's mouth, which was currently letting drool drip all over her pillow. 

"Umm, I think I know what you said, and to answer your umm demand, sure. It is a Saturday after all. Might as well let you sleep in." I shrug and walk off, ready to make some breakfast nachos that Star will sadly miss out on...hee hee hee, more for me...

 To Be Continued In Part 2----

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