Star Vs The Forces of Bill Cipher : Part 1

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A/N: I'm soooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a long time! If you saw the notification, I am planning a different story, so I kinda stopped making new chapters, but I then had an awesome idea! Gravity Falls and SVTFOE! I know this exists already but I haven't read many yet, so before I do, I'll try create my own! Enjoy! Also, This may not be 100% TomStar,  but I tried :p

Star's P.O.V

"Tom, you know how we are kinda starting to hang out more, and maybe grow a little closer with each passing second?" I quickly blurted out.

Tom chuckled, "Yeah, why?"

We continued to take a stroll through the park; the sparkling stars shone bright above us. Tonight, Tom and I decided to do a little star gazing since a meteor shower is supposed to happen at some point, it was currently 11pm. Many other couples were all lying down on the grass, or sitting on benches ; Marco and Jackie even decided to come and were happily chatting to each other while sitting on a bench.

"Well, I wanted to go to a dimension or, well a place with you, but I need to know one thing."

"Sure, what is it?"

"You'll have my back no matter what? Even if we get seperated, we will try to find each other again?" My eyes looked into his own, a dead serious expression covered my face. He looked back, the exact same amount of seriousness was on his face.

"Of course, we are a team! But why are you making this dimension seem like a death trap?" He questioned.

"Well, when I was back at Mewni, I found a book about how to master every dimension. It was by an unknown author and I definitely didin't want my mum finding out about it, so I took it with me an studied it. It was awesome!" I waved my hand in the air, trying to show how awesome it was, " Then I came across one place which caught my attention. It was called 'Gravity Falls' and the description was, ' Be warned. This may seem like an ordinary town, but it hides a lot of secrets, mysteries and just a whole lot of weirdness.' So, the obvious thing to do is check it out!"

Tom gave me a small smirk and replied, " After the meteors, we can have a quick look in the dimension, ok?" He then leaned in a little  closer and said, with a hint of confidence I his voice, " How bad can it possibly be?"  (How ba-a-a-ad can I be? Hope you get the reference :p)

I smiled one of my famous energetic smiles and gave him a hug. We waited another hour till a few meteors popped up. They really were tiny fireflies in the sky, zooming across space. 


A few minutes passed and I got bored, so I started to pester Tom about the dimension again.

"Alright, alright. We can go now." He smiled as he said this, and I immediately got my scissors and opened the portal. I was practically jumping up and down from excitement. Without hesitation, I grabbed Tom's wrist and yanked him in the portal, as I jumped in myself.

Our feet landed on solid ground as soon as we got to the other side, and we were greeted with a forest. A nice green forest, and it seemed to be about noon. 

"Seems pretty normal." I commented.

Tom shrugged his shoulders," Who knows, a monster could pop out and eat us any second now?"

I looked at Tom and he looked back at me, worry In both our eyes, for we just heard the snap of a branch near us. More specifically,  behind me. I slowly turned around and got my wand ready. It was quiet for a while, until a little boy popped out from behind the tree. He wore a blue and white hat with a blue pine tree on it. A book was in one hand and he was filthy.

"Ummm, who are you?" I questioned, eyeing the boy cautiously, slowly putting the wand away.

He looked up at me then Tom and immediately screamed, "Demon! I've never seen something like this before, wait...The journal." He flicked through the tattered book in his hands, and instantly shut it again, "You know what, I should take this down."

Tom glanced at me then at the boy who was approaching him.

"So,*nervous laugh*, what may your name be?" Tom tried to smile, he TRIED to, but failed.

"If I tell you you won't use it against me? For all I know you could be Bill Cipher's minion!"  He pointed the pen that was now in his hand at Tom's third eye, and I think he was trying to look threatening.

"I promise." Tom squeaked back.

"Okay, stand still for a while, I need to take a sketch of you..." He drifted off at the end, already doodling on his page. Not to mention he also dodged Tom's question and didn't give us his name. This land seems pretty normal, this human seems normal, and I think if we ask him some questions, he might be able to tell us more about the secrets of this place, and the weirdness.

 "So.....Who is this Bill Cipher dude you mentioned before? Is he like the ruler of this place, or something else? "  I silently added in the end, "And you Name please?"

He abruptly stopped and put his pen down.

Well, I hope this will be interesting...

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