Chapter 3

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A/N Hey just real quickly gonna say, Thank you! Thank you all so much for reading my Fanfics! <3 you all are awesome! I know that most likely not all of you have read all of my Wakfu fanfics, but you are stil super awesome! (I think you're awesome just because you watch Wakfu 😋) but yeah Thank you so much!

Once night fell over Ninjago, Lloyd had called his mother, Misako, and told her he'd be staying with his uncle for a while. What he didn't tell her was that he was staying with his uncle so he could take care of Yugo. "Yugo..." Lloyd shouted "Yugo..." He couldn't find the little Eliatrope "Yugo!"

"What?" Yugo asked as he popped up on top of a pile crates

"How'd you get up there?"

"I climbed."

"Really... Well you need to go to sleep. And so do I. I have school tomorrow."

"What's school?"

"It's a big building where kids and teenagers go to learn how to read, do math, science, about history, and a whole bunch of other stuff."

"Oh.... My adoptive father taught me how to read and stuff... I need to get home."

"I agree that you need to get home."

Yugo sat on the crate at the top of the pile of crates. "Hey Lloyd..."

"What do you need to be tucked in or something?"

"No... The stars aren't any different then at home..."

"Well yeah... Do you know any constellations?"

"You mean like The Cra?"

"Do you mean Orion?"

"Does it have a bow?"


"Then yeah."

"What about the Big Dipper?" Lloyd asked pointing at the Big Dipper

"My dad calls it The Big Ladle."

Lloyd laughed and pointed out a few more constellations. He laughed every time Yugo told him the World of Twelve's name. Yugo even pointed out a few that Lloyd didn't know. Soon Yugo fell asleep. Lloyd quietly climbed down the side of the pile of crates, and was about to go to bed himself when he heard footsteps. "Uncle Wu? Is that you?"

"La-Lloyd what are you doing here?"

"Oh geez, Dad what are you doing here?" Lloyd asked as he face palmed

"Evil plot." Garmadon explained as he stepped into the entrance

"Get out." Lloyd said pointing out towards his father's volcano fortress

"Why should I?" Garmadon asked crossing his four arms

"Because I said so, and because this is Uncle Wu's place. Go away."

"I was told that some kid with super powers was here. So I came to kidnap him." Garmadon shrugged

"You say that like it's normal to do that!" Lloyd shouted. He heard Yugo roll over from where he slept on the pile of crates 'I can't let my father get anywhere near him...'

"What was that La-Lloyd? Has Wu still not gotten rid of those rats?" Garmadon asked as he began to walk past Lloyd towards the crates

"He got rid of the rats four years ago. When I was twelve. " Lloyd said sidestepping in front of Garmadon

"So what was that then?"

"Ugh, go away Dad, before I get Uncle Wu."

"Really? So the Green Ninja needs help from an Old Man to get me to leave?" Garmadon laughed

"Just get out!"

A Hero From Another World- Wakfu/Ninjago CrossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora