Chapter 4

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Yugo was woken by a shout. He sat up and saw a man climbing up the crates. Weird thing was, he had four arms. "Holy Bwork!" He shouted as he disappeared through a portal "Last time I checked, people only have two arms... Unless Adamï turns into an Arachnee."

"What? Teleportation is not a powerful power." Garmadon said slightly annoyed

"Hey!" Yugo shouted as he shot Wakfu lasers at Garmadon "Pick on someone your own size!"

"Well lasers are a little more powerful." Garmadon said rolling his eyes

"Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm an object!" Yugo shouted summoning his sword and shield

"Well that's interesting..." Garmadon said slightly impressed by Yugo's powers "MINIONS!" With that, tons of Garmadon's minions ran into the base and swarmed towards Yugo

"Back off!" Yugo shouted at the shark/octopus/pufferfish themed enemies as he swung his sword

"Little boy thinks he's strong! Ha!" One laughed

"He's just a kid! What's he gonna do? Poke us?" Another snorted

The ears on Yugo's hat went back like an angry cat's. He glared at the marine life themed jerks. "I said BACK OFF!" Yugo yelled as he blasted them with Wakfu.

"So this kid is strong. Good job General number 1. Now. Go grab him." Garmadon said

"S-Sir, he's giving you a death glare..." The shark themed general squirmed

Garmadon glared back at Yugo "You dare glare at me?" He asked

"Are you seriously trying to kidnap me?" Yugo asked "Because, I was already deceived twice this month and my brother is possessed by a shushu, so not in the mood."

"What's a shushu?" Lloyd asked as he fought his way to Yugo

"A demon trapped in an object." An elderly voice rang out

Wu jumped down off the rafters and gave Garmadon a death glare (I seem to like death glares...) "Uncle Wu!" Lloyd shouted happily

"Wu...." Garmadon snarled

"I hardly know any of you people, and I forgot his name." Yugo said pointing at Wu. Everyone just looked at him "What I'm a kid, and I'm from another world what do you expect?"

A Hero From Another World- Wakfu/Ninjago CrossoverWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu