♡ Chapter 5: Manga IS Literature ♡

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Just a heads up that this chapter is mainly about Natsuki and Arin! So If you really, really dislike Natsuki just skip to the next chapter. Enjoy!

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"Then that makes it official! Welcome to the Literature Club!" Monika announced, once again doing that flawless pose of hers. "Thanks, I'm happy to be here." I say with a grin. I truly am. "Okay everyone! I think with that, we can officaly end today's meeting on a good note. Everyone remember tonight's assignment. Write a poem to bring to the next meeting, so we can all share!" Monika looks over at me once more after finishing. "Arin, I look forward to seeing how you express yourself." Monika exclaimed, and then giggled. "Y-Yeah.." I replied, slightly shy not knowing what to say. Can I really make Monika and the rest of the girls fall head over heels for me? I already feel the determination welling up inside me! Meanwhile, the girls continue to chit-chat as Yuri and Natsuki clean up their food.

"Hey, Arin, since we're already here, do you want to walk home together?" Sayori asked, honestly beaming with happiness. That's right--Sayori and I never walk home together anymore because she always stayed after school for clubs. This is great, I've been lonely walking home by myself all this time. Me? Feeling lonely? I usually don't feel anything. I'm starting to feel... Different. Maybe since after that dream I'm starting to understand more around me than I did before... "Sure, what are best friends for, right?" I say with grin. "Yaay~" She giggled throwing her hands in the air for the thousandth time today.

With that, the two of us depart the clubroom and make our way home. The whole way, my mind wanders back and forth to all four girls: Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, And Monika. Will I really be happy spending every day after school in a literature club? Perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to all of these girls... Alright! I feel something is different this time. This time? Has this happened before? My head hurts a little bit. I will make my own good fortune and not let anything try to take it away from me! And I guess that starts with writing a poem tonight...

I'm dreaming again. The same dream... I hear a voice. "You are doing great. You can change! I will help you. Never forget what you need to do. I will help you remember." It's the same voice from last night! It makes me furious that I still can't recognize it. Yet, this time it sounds familiar. Maybe I'm getting closer to discovering who it belongs to?? That's the last thing I hear before I wake up. My head hurts a bit. I take some pain killers to kill the pain. I get up and get ready for school.

"Wait for me you meanie!" Oh. there she is. I waited for over an hour in front of her house. She didn't answer her doorbell. She didn't even answer her cell phone either. I decided to start walking and now she shows up. I think next time I'm just going inside. "Waking up is just soooo hard! Sometimes I just stare at the window and think to myself, why even make the effort?" Sayori complained. "If you want, I'll come into your room and wake you up every morning. How about that?" I suggest, hoping the endless complaints would stop. "Eww! Gross!" Sayori said sticking her tongue out. "Figures as much. Trying to be helpful and that's the thanks I get." I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" Sayori asked most likely trying to change the subject, but I don't blame her for trying. "I've been waiting for an hour, so I guess so. Are you sure you're awake?" I joke. "Yes! I'm woke as f**k!" Sayori said getting all pumped up. I chuckle. "Alright! Let's go to school!" I announce with a grin. Sayori is acting kinda strange though. We both run to school, we barely make it on time before the gates close.

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