♡ Chapter 24: Daddy Issues ;) ♡

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I hear a scream. "Save me Arin! He's going to-!" The phone hangs up. It's Natsuki's number. I call the number back. No one answers. "That bastard! I'm going to kill him! Sayori! I need to save Natsuki!" I say quickly, becoming somewhat angry. "I understand. Good luck, and be safe." Sayori says with a determined look on her face, giving me a kiss on the cheek for good luck. I call the police on my phone and report what happened and give them Natsuki's address.. I run into the kitchen and grab Yuri's knife. I run upstairs and grab" my retractable metal baton and some rope. I hastily began to run in the direction of Natsuki's house.

Fortunately, I find Natsuki's house. Unfortunately, the police aren't here yet. I can't wait. I need to make sure she is alright. I press the record button on my cell phone. I'm going to need evidence when the police arrive, and do this right. This bastard must be pretty smart. I place my cell phone, still on in my inner chest pocket of my blazer, recording. I put my ear against the door. I hear cries and screaming. "That's it." I ring the door bell and pound on the door. I hear even more yelling now. "Stay in your room until I say so!" I hear a voice growl from inside. Someone answers the door. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I see an older man to be wearing what seems to be a pink wig on his head. He has the thickest eyebrows I have ever seen. Weirdo. "Where's Natsuki at?" I question, trying to look past him and into the house. "There's no Natsuki here. I have no idea who you are talking about." The man says with the same cold expression on his face. "So you don't have a daughter named Natsuki who goes to high school." I clearly point to her book bag that I see laying inside. "Oh, you mean that Natsuki. Come, come in! Make yourself welcome." He says with a somehow creepy smile. I walk inside the house. The door is immediately locked behind me. "You thought you were going to see your sweet Natsuki. The only thing you're going to see today, is your death! Walking into my house just signed your death sentence." He growls, smirking. Oh crap. This guy is nuts. He approaches me brandishing a very large knife he slides out from his jacket. I back up as far as I can against one side of the room. He starts running towards me. "It's useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!" He repeats, with the most crazy expression on his face. I swing out my baton and pull out Yuri's knife. I deflect his first attack and narrowly miss his next slash. "Why do you love treating your daughter like such garbage? You're 'The World' to her!" I say, practically growling.

"That thing? She's just a useless piece of trash I keep around just for amusement. She means nothing to me." He growls, his face not showing any emotion. "So that's why you've been starving her and beating her? God might forgive you, but I won't!" I growl, backing away a little bit. "Well, now I have a new toy to play with until they break, you! And after I'm done with you, she'll be next!!" He begins to laugh, his eyes widening. "You monster! I'll put an end to you now!" I say confidently. I strengthen my determination. I will save you Natsuki! Natsuki's dad continues to use items around the house towards his advantage. My arm gets nicked by his blade while I hit him square on the head with my baton. "Ugh!" He shouts, making a face. "Why are you doing this? Your daughter loves you!' I say frowning, hoping I wouldn't really have to hurt him even more. After all, he's still Natsuki's father. "After my wife died, I just lost all feeling for everything. The only thrill I found was causing pain with what I had left. It became so addicting! Everyday seeing her struggle, with little or nothing that I gave her, was so satisfying! It's now come to the point where I'm bored of it. I was going to just finish her off today! But.. now I get two for the price of one! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Natsuki's dad continues his attack, cackling like a sociopath. Weapon clashes with weapon, knives into flesh. Blood spills on the floor. A fight that feels like eternity, lasts for only several minutes. Both bloodied from this fight, I finally stand the victor after several well placed heavy blows onto his head. "Impossible.." Natsuki's dad falls to the ground. I proceed to kick the crap out of him and take away his knife. "Asshole." I mutter, sighing in relief that I won. Everything hurts, I got cut up pretty bad. Come to think of it, there was blood already on that knife when he was attacking me with it.. "That monster." I say, kicking him really hard in the head, just to be sure.

The self-defense training my parents had me go to when I was young paid off tenfold. You should always learn how to defend yourself, especially from trouble. I have an irresistible urge to kill him.. I resist for Natsuki's sake. I conceal my weapons back into my outfit, just in case. I use the rope to hogtie Natsuki's dad, just to be safe. Don't ask. I run and find Natsuki;s room. I knock on Natsuki's door. "Natsuki, it's me Arin. I'm here for you. Like I promised." I say with a small smile, waiting. "Is he gone?!" She says quickly, peaking from behind the door, horrified. "I took care of your dad, for now. I called the police, but they should have been here by now." I say calmly, sighing. Natsuki opens the door and lets me inside her room. "Ah! You look terrible! What did he do to you?" Natsuki screams when she sees how bloody I am. "Your knife happy Daddy happened. I stopped him. Don't worry, he's alive." I say with a small smile, but she begins to cry. "Thank you." She says quietly, tears streaming down her face. I hold Natsuki close to me. "Now let's get out of here!" I say, quickly getting out of the house with Natsuki following me. The police finally arrive as we come outside. I give them my phone number with the recorded audio. They proceed inside the house and arrest Natsuki's dad. "I'll kill you all!" He shouts, still cackling. The police 'accidentally' slam the door on his head. The police question us some more, then the ambulance shows up. The ambulance takes Natsuki and me to the hospital.

Natsuki is alright, other than bruising and the emotional abuse. I, on the other hand, had to get stitches on my left arm and shoulder. Ouch. I had some blood loss, but the doctor states as long as I rest, I should be alright. We leave the hospital and we take a taxi back to Natsuki's home. Once we arrive, Natsuki looks over at me. "Wait here, okay?" Natsuki says quickly. "What? You're not staying here?" I question, a little worried. "There's no way I want to ever come back here again after what my so called dad did to us. I'm just grabbing what I need and am gone." Natsuki frowns, but I understand. "Where are you going to stay then?" I question, a little confused. "Where do you think? With you!.. Dummy." Natsuki said with a giant grin, blushing. "Well.. I don't have anything against that." I say, realizing I should probably contact my parents at least. When was the last time I've seen my parents? What do their faces look like again? I call my parents and let them know the chaos that has occurred, they have no issue with Natsuki staying over. We have some extra rooms we can use as well. "I'm ready!" Natsuki appears to have two pieces of luggage with her. I help carry the luggage with Natsuki and walk back home. I receive a call on my phone. "Monika?" I question, realizing it was her who had called me. "Be good you two! Bye!" She giggles, hanging up. "Is she psychic or something?" I say quietly, confused as hell. How the hell? (She just never misses a chance to tease her club members cx)

We walk back to the house. It's already night. We get inside. I show Natsuki the guest room and get her a new set of sheets. I let her know my parents' room has a shower and restroom if she wants privacy. I wish her good night and head to my room. "Ouch. Love hurts." I mumble to myself, holding my arm in pain. I take out the knife and baton and loc it into my desk, for now. I toss my shredded clothes into the laundry hamper. Now I know how a ninja turtle feels like. I painfully put on some pajamas and carefully lay into my bed, as not to break any stitches. Relief overflows my soul. Finally.. I didn't mess this up. I saved them.. I saved them all.. Now comes the hard part. How long can I keep this up? Exhausted, I fall asleep rather easily, through the pain. Good night..

I hear a knock on my door. I turn the light on my room. "Come in." I say, yawning. "I.. I can't sleep alone. Too much happened to me today. Can I rest in here with you?" Natsuki stammers, her eyes red from crying. "I.. I'm okay with it. It's been a long day. You're mot than welcome to rest with me, go ahead and get changed." I say, noticing that she was still in her school uniform. "Thanks." She says quietly, blushing a little. Natsuki proceeds to leave my room and come back a few minutes later. "..I'm back." She says, wearing cute pink bunny pajamas. "Okay, let's head to bed. Normally, I would end be up for something else, but my stitches and blood loss tell me otherwise." I say with a smirk, even though I'm incredibly exhausted. "Don't worry, if you try anything funny, you'll be singing soprano." Natsuki giggles, grinning. Yikes. I flip open the cover on my bed. "Come on in, don't worry. You're not alone anymore, you're with me now." I say with a comforting smile. "..Thanks." Natsuki lays next to me. I turn off the light in the room and try to get some sleep.

"Good night." I say with a small smile. "Good night, Arin." Natsuki replies, yawning. "Sweet dreams." I add with a small smile. I already start feeling a tight grip onto me. I sigh. It's going to be a long night.

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