Tagged #1

22 2 3

Oki, obviously I've been tagged (by my good friend Sebby) :) so here we go, not much else to say

1: I have many, or rather none. Can't figure out which. I like turtles, tortoises (yes, they're different), peacocks, pandas, cats, and foxes.

2: Orange, yellow, or teal.

3: The Inheritance series: Elder, which is the second book.

4: Netflix.

5: Zogu Mori

6: Lightish-medium brown with speckish things of green.

7: Haven't been there yet.

8: Neither. I don't use social media :3

9: Any Harry Potter book. The feels D,:

10: Dr. Who, My Hero Academia, Once Upon a Time, Izetta the Last Witch... umm is that it?

11: Sleep. Sleep is nice. But then again... food is also very good. I'm too indecisive for this stuff.

12: Disney.

13: Donuts, ramen, sushi, dumplings, chow men, you get the idea.

14: Zandar (my real name is Zander, if anyone out there is wondering), Alador (hehe), Potato (outdated), Turtle (went out of fashion), Booger (don't ask), Praying Mantis, Pablo (very annoying nickname from very annoying kids), and Silly.

15: Nope.

Welp, I guess that's it. Bye bye.

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