Tagged #7

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Ooooooookay. The person called Sebastion has once again tagged me. Yay

1. Ok so number one was to say who tagged you. Check.

2. Three facts about me:
  1. I am currently rereading the Heroes of Olympus series.
  2. The plant that I had previously confided in you that had been dying because my cat peed in it is regrowing. I pruned it and its starting to grow new baby leaves. So happy.
  3. I keep wanting and succeeding in my desire to buy new copies and editions of Harry Potter books. I have one complete paperback set, the continue-ing-to-be-released illustrated editions, and the also-continue-ing-to-be-released Hufflepuff editions. Now the graphic designers of the Harry Potter franchise (MinaLima, I would love for someday to work with them for me and Sebby's series. Love their work, and it matches my vision) are making new interactive illustrated editions and it's so pretty but also $30 :/.

3. Fandoms you're obsessed with:
Ok so I don't really get obsessed with fandoms that much. I generally like things tho. Some include: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Avatar the Last Airbender, um, Food Wars. Yea

4. Fictional Crush:
:/ Idk man. Perry the platypus.

5. Spoiler for a book you're writing:
The villain.... is not the villain. Ikr. Wow. I had the same reaction.

6. Tag 15 people.


Ok thank you everyone for dropping by on this fine evening. Goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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