Tagged #6

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Tagged by SasuNaru_Trash_4ever whoop.

Oki, ten things about meself:

1. Contrary to most of my friends and people I know, I'm loving this quarantine. It's the best thing that's happened this year. No required social interaction and implications, I get to sleep in every day, my skin is clearing up, my lips haven't chapped in weeks, I have more free time, I have the chance to grow out my mustache for the first time (mind you, I'll be shaving as soon as quarantine ends), and I have the chance to work on my writing, although I haven't done much yet. The possibilities are there. That was long.

2. I'm currently watching Gilmore Girls. Tis a very good show.

3. My plants have increased to 30. One of my favorites is dying because my cat peed in it :/. But I managed to get tons of leaves that I'm able to propagate and start like 10 new plants. Lemme know if ya want a baby fiddle leaf fig.

4. I just remembered I'm still behind on my best friends' birthday AND Christmas presents. I'm a sucky best friend 😔.

5. I have been obsessed with Animal Crossing. I haven't missed a day since the game came out. If I didn't have school work, my island would be poppin'. Sadly, I do have school work.

6. I have tons of books I need and want to read and reread. Yet Gilmore Girls calls me by name. Also Animal Crossing.

7. I still have yet to actually decorate my room. I moved in mid-February and still, my shelves are unorganized, my walls are empty, and my desk is full of random objects. So much to do, yet so little motivation.

8. I have not watched anime in forever. I think the fifth season of Food Wars is coming out tho, so I'll be watching that.

9. I stole a lotus leaf from some art statue place on an art field trip. I wasn't sure if I was gonna get in trouble, but someone told me they had tried to take a leaf and they were told to drop it (by staff at the place). I sneakily snuck it out and either the security guy didn't see it (doubtful, the leaf is HUGE), knew I had it and didn't care, or purposefully let me keep it because he saw how weird I was acting and took pity. Anyways, after we arrived back at the school, some girl was giving me rude stares when I was taking the leaf off of the top rack thing in the bus. I was so close to yelling "WHAT, YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY LEAF!?!" at her. I regretfully refrained. In all honesty, I really hope I had. Would've been 1) a more satisfying and enjoyable, yet risky, move, and 2) a more interesting story. Anywho, the leaf (actually, I took 2 leaves, but the other one is sadder and smaller) is happily sitting on my unorganized shelf. Whew that was a long story.

10. I'm writing this instead of doing homework. It can wait until tomorrow.

Joke: Why did the chicken go to the séance?

To get to the other side.

Spoiler: Anargyris is immortal.

Ok, not tagging anyone, buh bye :)

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