Tagged #5

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Yeet, I was tagged by Sebbyyyy sebtheowsum12

Oki, 10 things about meeeeeeee

1. I currently own 25 plants, all living in my room (which I also share with my sister)

2. I'm writing an extensive book series with Sebby :)

3. I can read people easily

4. My favorite candies are swedish fish, heath bars, milk duds, and probably others

5. Sometimes I prefer soggy cereal, in cases such as frosted mini wheats. Coco pebbles can never be soggy. Ever.

6. Sebby and I are gonna move to Japan for like a year someday. The only part that worries me is what imma do with my plants :/

7. I dislike most people

8. I don't think movies would work best for me and Seb's series, since there's gonna be a lot of books and then the actors would be too old by the time the last movie would come out and yadda yadda. A television show could work tho, or animated movies. Or an anime.

9. My bed might be infested with my cat's fleas, who knows, ya know

10. I think I'm going insane, or possibly its just like a placebo effect, but I think my eyes are slowly turning green

No tag.


Spoiler: Quilly dies :(

I swear, if someone finds this tag in the future and happens to be a fan of the series and knows I'm the author then wow. Props to them.

Goo byeeee.

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