Chapter 5

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   "Kuroda-san hasn't been home in two days, I'm really worried about him."  Onodera said standing in front of Takano's door. Takano pulls him into his apartment.
   "He's been missing for two days and you didn't tell me?! Did you even try to look for him?!"
   "I thought you didn't care for him.... And I've been looking all weekend. He told me he would be home later that day, but he never showed up." Onodera looks down at the ground, "I have no idea where he is or what's happened to him and I'm scared." Takano grabs Onodera's hand and makes him look him in the eyes.
   "Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll fine him." He kisses Onodera's head.  "He's from the past so we just need to think of some old fashion places that are still standing from his time."
   "Where would we start?" Onodera squeezes Takano's hand.
   "First we need a list, so we should go to a library and get some information there." Onodera nods at Takano's plan, then they leave.

   "Tsukishima... I'm sorry taking so long, I couldn't figure out where you where." Kuroda sits next to a big rock under a old tree that seems to be dying.  "Tsukishima, I love you... I know I should have told you when you were a live with me, but I was so scared, you were the young master, but you were also my friend and I didn't want you to hate me." He leans on the rock, sighing.  "I think I'm ready to go home now, this world isn't any better without you." He closes his eyes and starts to drift off to sleep.

   Onodera was sitting at a computer he had just found a picture of the tree and rock where Tuskishima was burried.
   "Hey Takano-san," Takano was across from him, looking at an old book, he looks up. "I think I found Tuskishima's grave." Takano gets up and stands behide the younger male, when suddenly both of their heads start to feel a little dizzy. Takano sits down by Onodera as they hold their heads, squeezing thier eyes shut. "Nnnn...." He slowly opens his eyes and looks around, "What am I doing here?" He stands up as Takano looks at the screen.
   "Who's Tuskishima?" Takano asked.
   "Takano-san.... What are you doing here?" Onodera was confused to why he himself was there as well.
   "I'm not sure, I don't even remember coming here." He stands up.
   "That's odd.... I don't remember either...." He looks away from the older male and sighs.
   "So who's Tuskishima?" Takano points to the screen.
   "I don't have the slightest clue." Onodera sits back down "Why would I be looking up someone I don't know?"
   "There's a picture of him in the corner, click on it." Onodera nods and does as Takano had told him to. The picture was in black in white, but it was it ment condition, you could clearly see two men wearing battle clothing.
   "They look like..." Onodera started, but couldn't make himself finish.
   "Like us?" Takano question. his only response was a small nod from the brunette. "Does it say which is which?" Takano takes the mouse from Onodera and puts it's on the one that looks like the brunette. " This says, 'Tuskishima, the youn Lord of the castle. When his side lost the war he committed suicide to regain his family's honor back. The night before, his take on his own life, his closet friend stayed with him all night.' Wow, this is hardcore." Takano looks at Onodera trying to see his reaction.
   "Wh-What about the other one?" He blushes a little, before looking away. Takano hands the mouse to him and he moves it to the taller male that looks like Takano in the picture.  "Uh.... 'Kuroda, best friend to Lord Tuskishima and strongest fighter in his army. Some say he and the Young Lord we're secretly lovers, while others fight to say that  they were merely really good friends.' So they were friends...." He looks off to the side.
   "Or lover's." Takano says bluntly as he wraps his arm around Onodera's shoulder. "I don't know why we're here but at least I'm with you." Onodera stands up and tries to walk away, but Takano pulls him into his chest.
   "Takano-san! Let-"
   "Just for a minute, please." He squeezes the smaller male tightly. Onodera sighs and let's Takano hold him, he closes his eyes, listening to the older males heartbeat. "I love you. I wouldn't want anything like that to happen to you."
   "Don't be stupid, I won't kill myself, idot." That earned a chuckle from Takano.

   "Kuroda, are you awake now?" A soft voice asked. Kuroda slowly opens his eyes, his vision is a bit blurry at the moment.
   "....Who?" He says slowly.
   "Not fully awake I see." Kuroda can hear the voice chuckle, "I bet you can't even see me clearly yet either."
   "Your voice... It sounds so familiar...." Kuroda feels a hand softly touches his face.
   "Open your eyes fully, silly." Another chuckle can be heard. Where Kuroda heard that he jolts up looking around him.

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