Chapter 6

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Kuroda stares at the man before him, only it wasn't really a man, but his prototype. The prototype had grown up into a handsome young man, who just so happens to look and kinda sound like Tuskishima. Kuroda sighs as he calms down and looks away from his creation.
"Dreaming about Tuskishima again Master Kuroda?" He gives off a somewhat sad smile.
"I guess so...." He stands up, "But was it all really just a dream?" He mumbles.
"Master Kuroda, are you not feeling well? You've been here for quite some time now... And Ichi-san as well as myself were getting worried..." He looks down in fear that he might have upset his creator.
"..... How long was I here for?" His voice sounded cranky.
"Um... Maybe a day and a half.... You didn't come home so.... I got worried something had happened to you..... And I left the house even though you told me not to...." He didn't dare look up.
"I see." Was all Kuroda said as he stood up. "In my dream I was gone for weeks on in and it felt so real, but since you said I was only missing for a day and a half, I guess it really was just a dream."
".... I'm sorry...." Kuroda looks at him confused and was about to speak, but his prototype continued to talk. "I woke you from a very pleasant dream... I even called out your name without say 'Master' beforehand... I didn't listen to you about leaving the house either...." He tears up a bit. "I can't do anything Master wants of me, can I? I'm sorry." The prototype has tears running down his face.
Kuroda sighs and kneels down next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, I'm not mad. I'm glad you came to look for me." He raises his creation's head "You were not meant feel like a burden and I apologize for making you feel so."
"It's my fault though! Was I not meant to make your life easier?!"
"All I am is a burden! I can't do anything you tell me to do!"
"Hey that's-"
"I CAN'T EVEN BE HIS REPLACEMENT LIKE YOU MADE ME TO BE!" Kuroda slaps his prototype in the face hard.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" He glares at his creation, but then sees his prototype staring at him in fear, his face turns to a worried expression now "..... I didn't mean to.... I-I'm sorry... I don't kn-" he stops in mid sentence when his creation got up and ran away. "Shit!"

Hours had passed and it's now night fall, Kuroda searched all over the village for his prototype, but couldn't find him anywhere. The only place to cheek now was home. He walks through the front door and right away sees his creation bowing his head, standing at the entrance way.
"Hey I-"
"I am sorry for my rude behaviour early Master Kuroda. I was out of line and I dese-" he was cut off by his master hugging him tightly. "M-Master?"
"I'm the one who should be apologizing here! I never should have hit you.... I just got so mad when you said you were his replacement."
"I am aren't I?" He grips his master's sleeves with shaky hands.
"No. I don't think of you as his replacement, you are not him. As much as you look like him, you are a different person."
"But I'm not a person... I'm just some doll thing you made."
"What?" The prototype looks confused by what his master had said.
"You are a Hybrid. You are not Tuskishima and you're not just a doll. You are a hybrid, my hybrid." He hugs him a bit more tighter.
"M-Master..." He tear a up as he hides his face into his master's chest and smiles. "M-May I ask for something?" He looks up at his master with hopeful eyes.
"How unlike you, go ahead." He smirks
"Um... Well.... Ichi-san had t-told me if you really l-like s-someone and they l-like you back t-then.... Um..." Kuroda tilts his head, waiting for the younger male to collect his words. "C-can we, k-kiss?" He looks down in embarrassment.
"..... You want a kiss?" He tries to remain calm. 'I'm going to kill that that bastard, Ichi! Why did he have to tell him that!?' His prototype nods his head.
"P-Please? I really like Master! A-And I hope Master really likes me too! T-That's why!" He sounds very nervous.
"I do like you Hybrid, but not in that way." He tries to not to sound mean and hurt his feelings.
"You like me, but you don't like me?" He sounds confused.
"...." He sighs. 'He really doesn't understand.' He gives a small smile as his kisses his creation on his forehead. "I'll explain another time." They both smile at each other.

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