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yoongi was dancing in the studio.

he was too embarrassed to practice in the dance room because he knew jimin was there practicing, and he would criticize his mistakes if he messed up. namjoon already said it was okay to practice, as long as he stayed safe and didn't make too much noise.

he was trying to practice the dance for "dna" and kept forgetting how to properly jump for jimin's part. he didn't remember how to kick and then raise his elbows and bring them down. the dance was just too complicated. the comeback show was in a few days and if he didnt learn the dance correctly, he was sure bighit would punish him.

"whyyyyy do we need to have hard dance moves?" he groaned, rocking namjoons chair back and forth.

"yah! stop that!" namjoon said, trying to input a track into his new album that he was working on.

"namjoon, im boredddd," he shook the chair again.

"yoongi hyung, i love you, but i wont hesitate to beat the shit out of you if you keep moving my chair!" he said, snapping his headphones off and glaring at him.

"dont break your headphones," yoongi muttered. namjoon put the headphones back on while yoongi quietly said "bitch."

namjoon heard him but decided to spare his ungrateful ass.

yoongi was a sweaty mess. he tried to wear light clothes, a simple white t-shirt and grey shorts, but he was trying to dance way too hard. his shirt was sticking to his back uncomfortably. his hair was plastered in front of his forehead, making it difficult to see. it would be even harder for the comeback show to wear the stylist's choice of clothing. which is why he needed to perfect his dancing, to be ready for any kind of outfit he had to wear. he took a seat, breathing hard, and reached for his water bottle. gulping down nearly the entire bottle, he wiped his forehead with the towel of his shoulder.

yoongi tapped namjoon on the back. he removed his headphones and turned to him. yoongi could practically see the fumes and steam coming out of his ears. "please help me namjoon, i didn't understand the dance practice," yoongi pleaded.

namjoon looked at him incredulously. "you're asking me?! did you know ARMYs and the rest of bangtan, including you, ranked me and jin hyung as the worst dancers? go ask jimin."

"jimin always makes fun of me," he complained.

namjoon shrugged. "sorry, maybe you should ask hoseok hyung or jungkook-ah," he said and turned back to the computer, placing his headphones back on his head. "and stop bothering me! jesus christ!"

yoongi huffed. he didnt want to think about hoseok. hoseok was avoiding him for how many weeks now? every time he tried to discuss music, dance practice, or anything in general, he would shrug or nod or shake his head. then make some lame excuse as to why he had to leave. lately he was only comfortable around the rest of bangtan.

except yoongi.

and it enraged him.


"gotta do something about it today," he thought, throwing the towel he was keeping on his shoulder to wipe his sweat at namjoon, as a punishment for not helping him. he let out a yell and a string of curses, involving yoongi's mothers name and some other words. yoongi just ignored him and went to the practice dance room to see if jimin was still there.

he was.

yoongi was about to shut the door when the song ended and jimin addressed him.

"hi hyung! want to practice? i'm almost-"

"jimin-ah, do you know where hoseok is? i need to talk to him about the choreography."

jimin stopped dancing, and panted, reaching for his water bottle. yoongi impatiently waited for him to finish. he lowered the water bottle, and is between gasps, he let a sigh.

enraging ➵ yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now