♡ 20 - the week ♡

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The week before the show was supposedly the best week. Dress rehearsals and doing the shows on your own and all.

Roman and Patton were incredibly excited. Logan was there for lights and to stare at Patton for two minutes straight without realizing it.

Virgil sat down on the fake pull down type platform thing. (a/n: idk what it's called, it's like the steps that you can fold down and it becomes a flat platform to stand on and do whatever?)

He scrolled through Tumblr without noticing that Roman had quietly gotten up and sat next to him. He looked up from his phone, but still didn't notice Roman. He stared blankly at something ahead of him.

"What are you thinking about?" Roman asked.

"GAH!" Virgil jumped. "Oh! Just stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"The stuff kind of stuff." He turned to see Logan face palming at his word choice and chuckled.

Roman inched closer to Virgil. "If you tell me what you're thinking about, you can have my pasta and three pieces of garlic bread when you come to my house to study."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "I can't say no to that," he laughed slightly. "I- I guess I'm just a bit uncomfortable without makeup on. It's not- normal for me to be in front of people without it. You know?"

"Well," Roman said with a suddenly defensive tone, "I think you're adorable and perfect with or without it and everyone else must agree with me or else they're blind."


"You're perfect, Virge. You're everything. Every little part of you is amazing. You better realize that soon." He cupped Virgil's cheek in his hand and kissed him gently and smiled at him.

Virgil blushed. "Fuck you for being so sweet." He sounded serious, but he giggled right after. He hugged Roman tightly, Patton style.

That meant Roman could barely breathe while Virgil was hugging him.

Roman smiled. His boyfriend was becoming more open and affectionate with him and he loved that. "I love you."

"I love you more, Charming!"

The dress rehearsal was over. Some people couldn't recognize Virgil without his pale foundation and black eyeshadow that was always applied under his eyes.

Five out of the seven days of the week went by super quickly. On the seventh day, they'd be performing. They'd also do the show on Sunday and Monday evenings.

It was day six.

Virgil's anxiety only got worse and worse as the performance got closer and closer. He knew there was nothing to worry about. Probably.

He memorized all his lines and all the song lyrics. He was a pretty good actor. But something inside him made him afraid to even think about stepping on to stage.

He knew he had Patton, Roman, and Logan's support. He had the support of everyone - well, almost everyone - so what was there to be afraid of?

It just seemed like he wasn't panicking as much as he used to lately.

And of course that was a good thing, but it made him wonder what changed. What he was missing that he did before but now forgot about.

Day seven. Saturday. Virgil grabbed Roman's hand tightly and shut his eyes as they walked into the auditorium an hour early with everyone else.

dear virgil // prinxiety ✔Where stories live. Discover now