♡ 22 - parker forgets ♡

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(a/n: literally watching a production of heathers on yt as i wrote this and chapter 21)

(a/n #2: also more logicality is coming soon eEE)

Patton appeared seconds before the drama teacher went into the room and called everyone to pay attention.

"Ready?" she asked in a peppy tone.

Everyone nodded except for Patton. He was too busy panting because of running so he wouldn't be late.

"Wait." The teacher silenced everyone. "Where is Parker Mayor?"

Parker Mayor. The guy playing Ram's dad.

Everyone looked around, some friends of Parker tried to text him. Nobody could find him.

Luke called him. "Parker! Where are you?!" He put the phone call on speaker so everyone could hear.

"In California with my girlfriend. It's our three year anniversary. Why?" Parker responded.

The drama teacher rolled her eyes.

"Dude, the show! You're supposed to be here!" Luke exclaimed.

"Oh shit! Uhh... I completely forgot! Tell everyone else I'm sorry. But I'm sure we could find another guy!"

"But there's literally nobody else that can d-"

"WAIT!" Patton interrupted Luke. "I think I actually might know someone who can take his place..."

(a/n: 😉)

(a/n #2: i just realized, that when i say parker i don't mean the character parker from other sanders sides fics that the fandom made up, i just chose the name randomly)

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