Chapter 3: The first steps

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A/N: Hey everyone I'm back.
Disclaimer: I don not own anything.

Izuku continued to look through the crowd of students nervously as he waited for the exam to start, his eyes eventually falling on the brown haired girl that had helped him out earlier. Then just as he was going to go talk and introduce himself, Izuku could feel a hand in his shoulder.

It was a boy with glasses wearing some kind of a track suit with a serious expression on his face. "She appears to be focusing on the exam ahead, I recommend that you worry about that yourself instead of getting in the way." He said in a cold and almost emotionless tone, getting the attention of a few of the other students who were already thinking that Izuku was a bit of a weakling with how he was starting to get nervous as the guy with glasses pestered him.

Izuku was too busy trying to defend himself and explain that he was just going to tell her thanks from the other day to realize that the gates had opened and all the other students had ran into the training area. 'Oh no!' He thought to himself as he snapped to attention and then followed suit, running into the abandoned cityscape like everyone else had already done.

Izuku has started to run around the barren streets, only seeing a few smashed robots dotted here and there as he passed each intersection. 'How did they already destroy this many?!?' Izuku thought to himself in a slight panic, loosing focus again as a small robot with the number one printed on its arm cut him off. 'Great here is my chance! Now relax, breathe in, and now...' Izuku was running down his process, ready to use his quirk on the robot when suddenly a blue laser cut through it in an instant.

A flamboyant blonde male with a strange belt waved over at him with a confident smirk on his face after having just killed the robot in front of Izuku. "You know we make a great team with you being such a wonderful distraction!" He called out to Izuku before running off in search of more robots.

Izuku pauses for a second, letting what happened register for a moment before getting back to his search. 'Come on I just need to get a few points!' Izuku thought to himself as he kept running only seeing more and more destroyed robots. Izuku then started to hear a loud rumbling sound as a colossal robot came up from behind one of the buildings with students running away from it in a massive crowd. 'Th...that must be the obstacle's alright I just need to get away and earn a few points and then...' Izuku's mind races on before he suddenly heard a scream and saw that someone had gotten their leg stuck underneath some of the rubble the massive robot had caused. 'Wait isn't that the girl from earlier...she she is in trouble.' Izuku thought as his body suddenly sprung into action on its own, running straight toward the faux villain.

Izuku's head was still clouded with thoughts as it felt like everything was going slow in his dead on sprint at the robot. 'There is now way I can stop that thing with my fire...I guess I'll have to use the power All Might gave me and hope that it works.' Izuku cursed silently, not having used One For All before and knowing how dangerous it was.
Without a second thought Izuku leaped into the air using One For All feeling a jolt of pain move all the way up both his legs after having broken them from just the jump then as he flew toward the head of the robot he reared back on of his fists, preparing to hit it with everything he had. "Smash!" He shouted as loud as he could as his fist made contact, blowing the robot back as the same immeasurable jolt of pain shot up his now broken arm. Izuku then began to panic as he started to fall toward the ground, only stopping a few feet from it as he felt himself get slapped and started to float in the air.

It was the girl from earlier, she had gotten out from the rubble and used her powers to stop him from falling. "Release!" She said with a little strain in her voice, letting Izuku and the rubble she was floating on fall to the ground.

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