Chapter: 4 The start

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A/N: Hello everyone, here we are with chapter 4. In case any of you readers did not know I am working on an OC My Hero Academia story and I need some characters for it. It should be up on my profile so go and check it out. Anyways let's get on with it, don't forget to leave a comment please.

The night after Izuku had opened his U.A. acceptance letter he had gotten a message from All Might to meet him. "Hey Mom I'm heading out!" Izuku called out as he finished tying his shoes and about to go and meet with All Might.

Inko looked over, seeming a little nervous for a moment. "Why are you having to head out so late young man?" His mother asked in a concerned tone while also eyeing up a clock on the wall.

Izuku pauses for a moment and scratched the back of his head, knowing he would need to make an excuse since he couldn't tell anyone about All Might. "Well you see I'm meeting up with some friends and I was going to tell them I passed the exam." Izuku said with a slight crack in his voice as he opened up the door and was about to leave only to bump face first into someone.

"Well Izuku I knew you'd be happy to see me, but you didn't need to wait right by the door." A familiar voice said as the stranger looked down at Izuku, waiting for him to look back at him.

Izuku's eyes shot open as he slowly looked up and realized it was his father. "Dad what are you doing here I thought you would still be over seas!" Izuku said with excitement in his voice as he suddenly embraced his father in a hug.

Hisashi scratched the back of his head as he chuckled a little. "Didn't your mother tell you? I saved up a bit of vacation time so I could spend a few weeks with you after you got accepted to U.A." He said with a proud smiled on his voice as he hugged his son back.

Inko was watching the two with a tearful look in her eyes, happy to see them together after so long. "Oh I'm sorry dear, I wanted to make it a surprise so I didn't say anything." Inko said as she joined in on the hug, wrapping her arms around the two of them.

Izuku then took a moment, remembering he had just talked to his father yesterday. "But how did you know I passed?" Izuku asked his father while looking a little curious.

Hisashi just shrugged as he separated from the hug to answer his son. "Well I heard you through the door saying you were going to meet up with some friends to tell them you passed right?" He said as he moved aside so Izuku could get on his way.

Izuku pauses for a moment, completely having forgotten about his excuse from earlier. "Oh right, don't worry I promise I'll be back soon!" Izuku said with a starry look in his eyes and a smile on his face, hugging both of his parents once again before running out the door.

Izuku had raced over to where he was supposed to meet All Might, finding him standing alone at the beach tapping his foot and looking at his watch. "Sorry I'm late!" Izuku exclaimed as he leaped down the set of stairs leading down to the beach and running over to his idol.

Toshinori has been staring out at the ocean, seeming to be in deep thought before he heard Izuku's voice ringing out. "Oh good I thought something must have happened on your way over here." He said with a slight smile on his face, having grown a little worried about the boy.

Izuku chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head before he could speak. "Well O had just gotten a little caught up with things at home. What was it you wanted to see me about anyways All Might?" He asked as he averted his gaze back to Toshinori to hear what it could possibly be while still being a little jumpy.

"Well young Midoriya I came to congratulate you in person on passing the entrance exam for U.A., but with the recent events of the exam I would like for you to hold back from using One For All like you did. Your body is still not ready to handle that kind of power and if you keep using it rashly you may permanently damage your body." Toshinori warned before coughing a couple times with small amounts of blood coming out after he had finished.

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