Chaper 6 Team challange

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A/N: Hey everyone here we are with chapter 6. I think I'm going to try and make the chapters longer from now on and try to cover more episodes of the actual show. If you've noticed so far each chapter has been about the equivalentish of one episode in the first season. So I'll just be putting more work and covering more ground from now on. Also thanks for anyone who comments I really love reading them. Sorry for taking so long by the way, I planned to have this up last week, but I got a little side tracked.

Disclaimer: Hmm yep yep still don't own a damn thing.

Izuku's second day come by in a flash and after getting through all of his morning classes it was finally time for Hero Basic Training. 'I wonder what Mr.Aizawa is going to be doing today?' Izuku thought to himself when suddenly the door swung open.

While announcing his entrance none other than All Might entered the room. "I am here!" The pro hero's voice rang out as he made his appearance and walked over to the front desk of the room, letting the class murmur and talk amongst themselves as he turned to them. "Welcome to class everyone, today I will be your teacher and what better way to teach you than giving you a lesson that will pull no punches!" He announced as he pressed a button and a small sign saying the word 'battle' showed up on the monitor in front of the class.

Part class had an uproar of excitement at the idea of using their quirks for actual combat before All Might interrupted to tell them more. "Now if you are going to play the part you gotta look it too with these!" He exclaimed and with another push of a button several shelves came out from the walls with their student numbers on them. "Now everyone get dressed in your costumes and get to the training ground for today's lesson!" He shouted before leaving with a burst of incredible speed.

Everyone had grabbed their costumes before going to the locker rooms to change and get ready for the training that All Might had prepared for them. "I wonder what kind of battle training All Might will be putting us through?" Izuku pondered to himself as he opened the box containing his hero suit. It was a little different then what he had originally planned, instead of the green full body jumpsuit having a hood and having a mask attached to it instead now it was just the suit without the hood and a set of specially designed green sunglasses and a metal face guard mask with holes in it. The glasses were similar to the pair his father had given him awhile back, allowing him to use his fire breath without affecting his vision as much and the mask was just a special gas mask that filtered the air he would breath in while having it on, letting him use his quirk in areas where it would be harder to breath in.

After getting changed he raced outside to where they were supposed to meet up and learn more about the training exercise. As he emerged outside the first person he bumped into was Uraraka. "Hey Izuku nice costume!" She complimented as soon as the two bumped into each other.

Izuku smiled underneath his mask after hearing her voice and turned to see her. "Thanks Uraraka." He replied before noticing her costume and blushing slightly underneath his mask. "You look great too!" He blurted out as he averted his eyes so he wasn't just starring at her.

Uraraka gave a slightly embarrassed chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Thanks but I probably should have been more specific in what I wanted, this suit I ended up with is skin tight." She said with a slight stutter and was about to say something else before All Might interrupted to tell the class about the training exercise.

All Might was standing in front of the class with a small piece of paper in hand. "Ahem, today class you will be partaking in an urban combat scenario. You will all be placed in teams of two and then be given your role in the exercise. One team will be acting as villains and be trying to protect a doomsday device while the other will be the heroes who will try to capture the device. The villain team will win if they can either keep the device away from or beat the heroes in the allotted time. Now let's get this show on the road!" All Might announced before having the class come up so they could get their team member.

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