Chapter 7 Encounter

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A/N: Hello everyone, back again with another chapter. With recent thought and comments saying that I follow too close to cannon I have to decided to try and deviate from that from this point on since it doesn't really make for too compelling of a story. Also I would like to apologize for the late update, I've been getting a bit busy lately. So let's see how I do and get on with the show.

Disclaimer: Don't own shit....ok let's keep the ball rolling.

Izuku woke up in Recovery Girl's office in the late hours of the school day after having injured himself in the training exercise. "Good morning sunshine!" Recovery girl's voice rang out to a dazed Izuku who was slowly opening his eyes.

Izuku took note of the time, noticing that he had missed all of his afternoon classes for the day and that the school day would be ending soon. "Now dear you better get to class and let all your friends know that you are feeling better, but make sure you see me in the morning so I can fix up the rest of your injuries. Also as school regulation states we had to alert your mother about your injury because it was a rather serious one, so you should get home right after class. If I were you sonny I would head straight home, and don't worry I already notified Aizawa that you could go home if you would like." Recovery Girl instructed before letting Izuku leave her office.

At the mention of his mother being told about his injury Izuku's face quickly went pale and after leaving Recovery girl's office he started to ramble a little to himself. "Mom is probably worried sick, I hope she didn't call Dad and tell him what happened. It's only my second day and I already broke an arm in training." He said to himself, feeling a little nauseous as thoughts were racing through his head.

Izuku walked past his classroom, having decided that it would probably be for the best to go see his mother to try and explain what happened. On his way Izuku would mutter to himself while thinking what he would say to her and how concerned she must be now about his dream to become a hero.

Just as Izuku got home and walked inside Inko had ran from the kitchen and in no time started to hug her injured son. "Oh Izuku are you ok? I got a call from the school saying that you had gotten hurt during one of your classes." She had cried out a little with a few tears in her eyes as she looked up at her son.

Izuku felt a wave of guilt pass over him, almost as if everything felt heavier around him before he spoke up. "Mom it's fine I promise, Recovery Girl is the nurse at the school and she assured me that I would make a full recovery." Izuku said as he hugs his mother back, wanting to put her at ease.

Inko sniffled a little to try and stop the tears that were starting to stream down her cheeks, clutching her son's costume for a moment before letting him go. "Izuku I know that being a hero is your dream, but as your mother I can't help worrying about you especially when you come home like this and I get calls from the school about you being hurt me. If this is what happens while you are just attending school to be a hero I don't know if I could bare what might happen when you fight a real villain." She said with a slight stutter, still clutching the edges of Izuku's clothes.

Izuku felt a knot in his throat, having trouble speaking as he looked back at her. "Mom I know that being a hero is a dangerous job, but if people born with gifts to help others just stayed ignored their responsibility to help them several people could get hurt. So if I get hurt every now and then while training makes me a better hero so I can save others then that is something that I'll have to be willing to risk. I know that you are worried about me and I promise to be more careful from now on, but I can't stop now after I've been accepted to UA and I've started to work towards my dream." He said as he held her close for a moment, feeling her hands release from his clothes as she calmed down.

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