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Chapter Seven: Flirt Like Hell

The world outside of the glass office was bustling with people

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The world outside of the glass office was bustling with people. Steve watched it all unfold, keeping a careful eye on the monitor that displayed his- once- best friend being hooked up to the heavily guarded machinery.

"Hey, you want to see something cool?" Tony's voice broke his trance, causing him to look up. The billionaire placed a matching pen set on the desk.

"I pulled something from Dad's archives. Felt timely. FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to the Allies when they needed it most." Tony seemed completely genuine for once in his life, but Steve knew what he was nudging at.

"Some would say it brought our country closer to war." He clearly stated. Tony groaned slightly.

As this conversation was unfolding, Wednesday was completing a task that Tony had asked her to do that morning. She was no longer in Germany, but had just landed in New York.

She was given orders by Tony to recruit backup, in case these accords did not get resolved and they'd have to do some much more.. catastrophic clean up.

The lead she was given was a boy, which confused her. She was holding onto his file and looking at his profile shot, wondering how this kid- who was even a year younger than her- was going to help them.

"Peter Parker," she mumbled, dragging her stuff to the hotel she was staying at in Queens.

"You better be worth it-" she cut herself off as she almost ran into someone right before entering the hotel lobby, causing her to stumble back.

"SORRY!- Ehm, uh, sorry, that was loud. Are you o-okay?" A panicked voice asked, and Wednesday looked up to a familiar face.

"You gotta be kidding me." She whispered at the miracle this situation was. She wasn't given an address by Tony, only a name, a possible school location and his abilities, which she didn't read that far into yet. Now, here he was in front of her.

"What was that?" He asked, and Wednesday snapped out of it, trying to figure out how to stay in contact with him and get information quickly for when Tony needed it.

"Nothing! I mean, I'm sorry too! I should have been looking where I was going.." Wednesday realized there was only one way to do this- flirt like hell.

"N-No! It was my bad." Peter mumbled shyly, wanting to get out of the situation as it was obvious this girl didn't want to be around his awkwardness anymore. He was surprised by her warm smile.

"I guess we're both a couple of klutzes, huh?" She giggled, almost cringing at how that sounded out loud. But she felt more at ease as she saw him blush furiously- she had him.

"Y-Yeah, I guess you could say that.. I mean, not that I think you're a klutz! I think you're probably very intelligent and wise and-and really pretty- PRETTY COOL- I meant pretty cool!" Peter fumbled with words, not knowing how to talk to such a beautiful girl. Wednesday actually found it endearing, but she shoved that feeling aside as she giggled again, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"I'm We-" the young Wilson stopped short, knowing that she could very well blow her cover by using her real name.

"Wendy. Wendy Rogers. And you are?" She came up with a name on the spot, hoping it didn't sound too suspicious.

"P-Parker.. Peter... Peter Parker!" The boy finally got out, causing Wednesday to smile at his unsure nature.

"Well, Peter, I'm kind of new to Queens, and I'd love for someone to show me around a bit.. do you have time to maybe get a bite to eat? After I put my bags in my room?" She nudged her head up to the hotel they were in front of, but realized she might sound to forward, like she had a job to do. She decided to fumble around a little too.

"I-I mean, if you want! Of course you don't have to, I'm not going to force you or anything, cause that would be like kidnapping! But y-y'know I don't think I could kidnap you anyways because you look really strong- not that I was looking at you! I mean, I was but not like that!-"

"I'd love to show you around." Peter interrupted her, feeling butterflies rush around in his stomach at the thought that he made this gorgeous girl nervous.

"Cool," Wednesday breathed out, actually feeling a little nervous herself. She had never been on a date before, and now she was about to go out with a random stranger who has some abilities that she never actually got a chance to figure out the details of.

"Let me just leave these in my room." Wednesday smiled, rushing towards the doors quickly, leaving the teenage boy on the sidewalk.

Peter began to stress out, trying to figure out why he ever said yes to going for a meal with this girl. He didn't even know her, but somehow she reeled him in like a fish. She was just so gorgeous, and that smile made Peter's stomach all warm and she had this presence about her that just made the young boy swoon-

"Ready to go, Peter?" Peter snapped out of his trance, looking up at the girl who was standing a few stairs above him on the staircase he was in front of. He smiled nervously.

"Yeah! Uhm, what kind of food do you like?" The boy began walking with the girl, feeling her hand brush against his a few times.

"I like anything." She smiled shyly at him, tucking some hair behind her ear. Wednesday knew she was doing a good job, but she couldn't help but be a little hesitant. She didn't want to hurt this boy's feelings, for some reason.

"Okay, there's a really good Thai place not far from here, does that sound good?" He asked, smiling at the ground and refusing to make eye contact.

"Sounds perfect." Wednesday nodded, feeling her own hand unintentionally brush against his again. She snapped her head out of it, focusing on the mission.

That boi is so damn cute buT YES PETER IS FINALLY IN IT

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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