3. Missing her was dark grey all alone

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*3 months later*

They were playing at that bar again.. they just started playing and he was so into the song that he didn't even notice her at first. But then he looked up from his guitar and he saw her. She was looking at him with her mesmerizing blue eyes and she was smiling. He couldn't decide what is more beautiful - her eyes or her smile. He was so happy. He finally found her again. He put his guitar again, letting his bandmates play alone and started walking towards her. She got up from her chair, waiting for him to come, her smile getting bigger and bigger with each of his steps. But when he finally got to her, her smile changed to frown. "Simon.." she was moving her lips, but the voice wasn't hers. "Simon! Come on!!" He was confused. He definitely knew that voice. Suddenly her image started to fade out as someone was shaking with him. "For God's sake Simon, wake up!!!" He opened his eyes and saw Pedro standing over him. That explains the weird voice in his dream...

"Finally, man! I already sent Matteo for some cold water if you wouldn't wake up!"

He groaned. "What is today?"

"It's Friday. And we have a meeting with that recording studio remember?"

"Ugh... I guess I forgot.."

"Yeah... I see. Lately, your mind is somewhere completely else."

He stayed silent because he knew it was true...

"At least today please try to concentrate, could you? We could finally get a label..."

"Yeah. I will don't worry."

"That's exactly what we do, man... I mean.. how long it's been? Around.."

"Three months." Simon interrupted him. Today it was exactly three months since he met her. It should be enough time for him to forget about her, to get her out of his head. But apparently not. At least it was better than the first month.. the few weeks after he met her, he saw her everywhere. Every girl with blond hair reminded him of her and her eyes followed him even into his dreams. He was a mess. Matteo and Pedro were trying to help him focus on something else, but usually, they didn't succeed for more than few hours. He didn't understand himself... they barely talked, he didn't even know who she is, but still, she was on his mind 24/7. And it was killing him... Maybe today, after exactly three months, it's the day he should forget about her. He doubted he will ever meet her again anyway and he didn't want to feel so desperate anymore.

"You know.." Pedro started but was interrupted by incoming Matteo, who was holding a bucket of water.

"Yeah, we don't need the water anymore. He is up." Stopped him Pedro right in the door.

"Are you sure?" Matteo looked at Simon. "I think he needs it.."

"Thanks." Simon gave him a false smile and Matteo just shrugged in response.

"Okay! You can get out of my room now. I will get ready and we can go."

"You better hurry up, it's your turn for buying coffee." Said Matteo before closing the door behind him.

He looked at the clock. It was already 11:30. He quickly showered himself, put on last clean t-shirt he had and took his wallet and car keys. He shouted a quick 'meet you there' at the boys and was out of the door to buy the coffee.


She was furious. She was supposed to meet Jazmín and Delfi for lunch in between her classes, and of course, Jazmín had to be extra and pick some restaurant where they've never been before. She sent her the address, but her GPS led her out of the center to some random building that definitely wasn't a restaurant. She dialed her friend's number and waited for her to pick up.

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