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•i thought love wasn't meant to last,
i thought you were just passing through
if i ever get the nerve to ask, what did i get right to deserve somebody like you?
i wasn't expecting that. it was only a word, it was almost mis-heard. i wasn't expecting that. but it came without fear,
a month turned into a year. i wasn't expecting that.•

harry and louis were staying at louis' flat for quite awhile, neither of them wanting to leave the other's presence. they've been dating for months now and louis loved harry and he just hoped harry loved him back. louis woke up in harry's arms the next morning. he turned around and expected to see harry awake, since he always wake up before or at the same time as louis, but he was still sound asleep. the two had stayed up rather late, watching films and cuddling each other on louis' white loveseat. louis admired harry, he followed every detail on harry's face with his eyes. he noticed that harry has a little area of blue in his green eyes. he noticed the faint dimple outlines and the light, pale freckles littering his nose (which you could only see if you were as close as louis was). louis sighed quietly, kissing harry's temple gently.

"what did i get right to deserve somebody like you?" he mumbled, falling back asleep soon after. harry woke up to find louis still asleep, his legs tangled with his own and his face on his chest. harry smiled because he can get used to this. louis stirred a little and harry's eyes focused back on his face. he watched as his eyelids fluttered because of the sunlight streaming in from the window. he watched as he yawned, bring his arm up to his mouth. harry watched as louis looked at him and smiled lazily. and right then, harry knew he loved him. he knew he couldn't go a morning without seeing a sleepy louis by his side. and so, he voiced it.

"i love you," he mumbles, afraid of louis' reaction. louis fully opens his eyes.

"what?" he questions, hoping he heard him right.

"i said i love you, lou," and louis grinned, kissing harry until he couldn't breathe.

"harry! where are you?" louis shouts through the house, holding roses and a stuffed bear. he could hear footsteps padding across the wooden floor of the kitchen into the foyer.

"baby! you're home! missed you," harry mumbled leaning up to kiss louis, stopping when he noticed the items in his boyfriend's hands. louis chuckles, smiling gently.

"happy one year anniversary, hazzie," louis announces cutely. harry just kisses him and leads him into the kitchen where two plates of food were placed. quiet music was playing in the background and roses as well as rose petals were scattered on the counter and a bottle of wine stood tall next to a box. louis grins, the crinkly-eyed grin that only harry got to see, and he turned to his boyfriend and hugged him tightly.

"i love it, 'arry," he mumbles into his neck, placing a few kisses near his collarbones. harry hums contently and slowly rocks the two to the beat of the song emitting from the radio. they eat after harry leads louis to the bar stools and it goes well. they finish their spaghetti- which made louis swoon because oh my god; our first meal together- and harry walks over to the box on the counter that louis forgot about until now. harry kneels on one knee in front of louis and starts a speech that leaves louis in tears. harry's glad he said yes.

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