1 - Death

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Somehow, the word itself didn't bother him that much. After all, that is the state he's currently in right now.

Although he has to wonder.

Was he really dead? What if he's in a coma, with his body in a vegetable like state? What if he's just sleeping, and somehow couldn't wake up? What if...What if...?

So many what ifs that he himself can't even count.

And yet, if there was a possibility that he had indeed somehow died, why is he still conscious? And although all he could see is pitch black, he could still feel something.

Warm, that's what he's feeling.

It's kind of nice. He wants to feel like this forever.

It's become hot. No, he doesn't want to feel hot. Where did the comfortable warmness go?

Why did it disappear, only to be quickly replaced with hot searing pain?

...Pain? Why is he feeling pain?

Isn't he supposed to be dead?

Are dead people supposed to feel pain? Are they even supposed to feel something?

He's... confused, for the lack of a better term.

He also doesn't remember his name, oddly enough.

In fact, he even forgot the names of his family and friends.

Yet, he vividly remembers all their faces. He remembers his experiences, the pain he had received and caused, all types of emotions he felt, the lessons he learned, his stupid ass job and his shit of a boss... all up until the time of his... Death.

There's the word again.

Such a simple word, yet so many things it could affect.


There's light. Why is there light?

Is he finally entering the afterlife? If so, what was the purpose of this pitch black darkness? Was he supposed to wait here while being assessed by whoever is in charge up there? How did he even get to that conclusion, anyway?

So many questions, and yet nobody answered. Not like he expected someone to do so, anyway.

The light is getting brighter, and he doesn't like it. He liked the dark, as it was comfortable!

What is happening right now?!

Why is he feeling a myriad of emotions?!

He feels like crying. Why does he feel like crying?

There is no point for the dead to mourn. So why?

Why is he crying?

Stop! Stop it! Stop the pain! It's getting worse!

He feels like he's in hell. Is he in hell?

Hell, he doesn't know.

Noise suddenly bombarded him in all directions. What's happening?


He distinctly heard crying.

...Was he the one crying? If so, why?

Was it because of the pain? It must be. It's the only logical reason as to why one might cry.

Hm. Interesting. So he isn't dead?

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