2 - Murder

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He didn't commit one, not once in his entire first and second life.

But now he's tempted to end the life of this one particular person. A child, specifically.

Child murderer. That's a nice title to have right now.

"What exactly do you mean by," he motions his hands to the ruined- ruined mess of books and documents that he worked so hard to tidy up, "a tornado blew past this?" he asked, hissing out the words like venom, slightly scaring the child out of his wits.

"Y-yeah! Definitely!" The poor kid frantically nodded, his voice a stuttering mess. "I- I didn't mess i-it up, I swear!" he squeaked, cowering under the about-to-be child murderer's intense glare, fearing that it might as well have turned him into a pile of ashes right now.

A sound of a slap echoed across the large library, quickly followed by a sharp yelp.

"Oooww!" His idiot of a brother whined, holding his now red cheek. "That hurt a lot!" he added, as the assaulter rolled his eyes.

Drama queen.

He harrumphed, frowning at his brother. "That's what you get for ruining my hard work, you ass." he seethed, eyes narrowing as his brother gasped loudly.

"Oh my gosh you said a swear word!" he exclaimed, before quickly running out of the library all the while yelling, "I'm gonna tell mom!"

The soon-to-be child murderer once again rolled his eyes. Honestly, not only was his brother a drama queen, but he's also a tattletale.


He sighed, sweeping a glance over the mess that was once neatly stacked documents and organized books. So much for all that hard work, huh.

"Mom! Mom!"

A crash was heard outside the hallways, to which he ignored and went back to his seat to restack all the disorganized books. Like the best little brother- er, little sister that she is.

...Hm, he's been using the wrong pronouns for a while now. Sorry for the confusion, but he seems to be having a gender identity crisis.

Not that he'd ever tell anyone, nope. Like, who would even believe to a five year old if he- she! -said she's supposed to have a fucking penis?

No one, apparently.

But back to his- her, damn it! Her! -current unfortunate predicament.

Her idiot of a reckless brother.

Now, don't get her wrong, she loves the dumbass to death but sometimes, sometimes, he's just so fucking infuriating that she herself wants to throttle his neck.

Just like now.

But still. She could somehow understand. After all, kids are supposed to be stupid and annoying until they suddenly just aren't.

Or, well, at least that's what she heard from one of those stuck up boring adults that are in the process of having an eternal midlife crisis. But to think that she was one of them in his last life. Oh, god. Just how the hell did he survive the past?

She shuddered. No more taxes! Stop the taxes!

Not long after, her brother came back while dragging their mother by the hand, slamming the door open in the process with a loud bang. "There she is!"

She blinked at him blankly, unperturbed before picking up a book and reading it- it was about a sociopath and a doctor, by the way -and completely ignoring him.

His reaction was, to say, highly amusing.

She saw him turn red as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, silently snickering. He stomped towards her, letting go of their irritated mother's hand as he snatched the book away from her, an action that made her raise an eyebrow at him.

"Do you have a problem, bro?" She asked him, smiling sweetly as his face turned a darker shade of red. Whether from embarrassment or anger, she hasn't had the slightest idea.

He sputtered, his words an undecipherable and incoherent mess. "Wh- uh- argh- you-"

She snorted, chuckling under her breath at the silly sounds coming out of his dear brother's mouth.

"Mom!" Her brother yelled, his face like a tomato as he turned towards her with pleading eyes.

He received a shrug in return, to which he groaned at and turned back to her. "You're lucky mom is here right now, or else I would've pushed you already," he said with the most threatening voice an eight year old child would be able to make, which isn't a lot.

"...Our mother is mute, not deaf." She deadpanned at him, as he stared at her in confusion. She rolled her eyes at his clueless look. "I'm pretty sure she heard the not-so-discreet threat that you just gave me," she elaborated, slightly smirking at the sight of his face slowly draining color.

A loud smack echoed once more inside the library room, followed by a long and dragged out, "Ow!"

Well, if there's one thing that never changed from his past life, it's that children are annoyingly stupid, his brother is also annoyingly stupid, and that his mother is deaf.

Actually, come to think of it, he's pretty sure that the only thing that's changed is his gender.

Good grief. He wonders why.

"Ow!" Her brother whined for the second time as she silently snorted at his expense, before turning her attention back to her book as their mother silently dragged her protesting brother away from her.

Finally. Some peace and quiet.

A loud crash was heard from the hallways, again. She sighed. "God fucking damn it."

She popped her head out of the library doors, only to have a shopping cart whiz past her, the speeding projectile only a hair's length away from her as it was so close to chopping her head off just like that goddamn train. "What."

She then saw her other brother turn around the corner, running with a grin as he waved at her cheerily.

He looked like he just committed murder, as there was a large blotch of red... substance on his face, almost like he was sprayed by it.

She... doesn't really know what to make of the sight.

"What happened to you?" she asked him, grabbing his arm which effectively stopped him, while also frowning at the mess that he made. Ugh, who's gonna clean it up now?

He laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Uh- Don't worry, it's not blood," he answered in an attempt to assure her, to which she just stared at him blankly.

"That doesn't answer my question, nor does it reassure me at all."

"Well, one of my friends pranked me with ketchup."

"...And the shopping cart? Actually, where did you even get that?"

"Oh, uh... I found it on an empty parking lot."

She pinched her nose, sighing deeply as her brother looked at her with worry.

"You okay?" He asked her, playfully nudging her as she stared at him for a long time.

"Uh... little sis? You okay? Hello?" He waved a hand in front of her face, as she blinked in surprise and slapped his arm away, glaring at him in annoyance.

She huffed, looking away. "I'm fine," she said, before adding, "idiot."

He laughed, his eyes crinkling in mirth. "Whatever you say, sis."

She slammed the door at him in response.

Someday, there would be the time she would again have the urge to murder her brothers.

That is, if she could do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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