The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

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He was burning up, my angel. His golden skin glistened with sweat, his russet hair plastered to his forehead. He had passed out a long time ago, my angel.

He lot out a piercing scream as more feathers burst from his back, the sickening sound of his tearing skin filling the room. I wish I could help him, but I couldn't, my hands like mist as soon as I tried to touch his skin. So I just talked to him.

I told him how he was heaven sent, that there must pain in order for there to be pleasure, that once had his wings, he could fly, fly away to wherever he wanted, as long as I was there by his side.

His back was slick with blood, my angel, his white wings drenched with the thick red liquid. I think it hurt so much because his skin kept healing up as soon as the next bit of wing would poke out. I wish I could take away my angel's pain, but i couldn't, I was only smoke and mist, not bone and marrow.


I could hear someone calling me, but I didn't want to go. I couldn't leave my angel to fester away and die in this cramped, hot room. He was angel, heaven sent, with wings like drifted snow and eyes as flame- he was mine.


I saw his mouth move. I think he said my name, I can't tell. "I'm here, I'm here," I whispered, and he settled down, but his mouth was gaped open like fish, screaming with the power of a whole army, his eyes opening with a blazing light.

"Sang- wake up!"


I woke up in a flash, my chest heaving as I sat up, my hand reaching for my bedside lamp to protect myself from whatever monster was near up. "Woah there, Sang, it's just me," I heard someone breath, and I turned to see my older sister, Rachel, standing by my bedside, her green eyes flashing in the darkness in the room.

"Wh-what time is it?" I got out, my lips shivering as I got out of bed, her hands warm on my goose-bumped skin.

"Five forty-five," she replied, and I groaned, my head spinning as I stood up.

"What did you wake me up?" I ask, still groggy, making my way to my in-suite bathroom to splash water on my face in an attempt to wake me up. Dark circles stared back at me in the mirror, surrounded by a sea of pale skin and freckles. My long auburn hair was knotted and frizzy, the messiness of it making it look two inches shorter. My green eyes looked tired and confused, and I looked away, scared of what I'll see in them, splashing my face with cold water.

"There's been another light, and I thought you'd rather have me wake you up than four rambunctious boys," Rachel says, her voice tinged with amusement. I turn around and give her a smile, meeting her eyes that are mirror images of mine. I wonder why Dad chose her, not me. I wonder if there's a miniscule difference between our eyes that make it easier for Dad to meet Rachel's. I don't blame her, of course. She blameless in whatever happens between Dad and I. I just wish she would help me more.

"Dad not coming?" I ask, turning off the sink, and rushing to my closet, peeling off my clothes and trying to find my suit.

Rachel settles down on my bed, and I can see her in my mind's eye, her short red hair, more like Mom's than mine, spiked around mine. "Nope," she replies, and I feel a rush of euphoria go through me, lightning me up like a firecracker. "It's just gonna be me, you, Rogue, and your Lights."

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