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Jakes POV

After Jesse went to sleep, I got on my phone and i was texting my mom and my hand was sore and cold. It hurt to move it but I had to move my hand for i could text. I was in so much pain. The doctor came in and after I was done texting my mom and put my hand down. "Keep your hand down or it will do something bad to your system" "okay" he checked me our making sure that I'm okay. My arm was wrapped up in a bandage, having to deal with a slint. Jesse was waking up. Right on time. "Alright, your guys are going to be good enough to go home in a few hours. I'll have someone come and tell you what you have to do and what medication you have to take and the side affects, does that sound good" "that's good" "alright, get some rest and then they will wake you up when they are ready to go over the paperwork" "alright, thank you" "see you later" then he left and I dosed off.

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