chapter 12

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3rd person again.


Once Faith went to go get their mom, the 2 brothers heard gun shoots.
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The brothers and their sister went and hid in the closet in case if somebody on their house. They were going to look to see, they didn't want to risk it. After a few minutes jesse got out and his brother stayed there, shook. "Come on, I'll keep you safe. Your always safe with me." "Okay". He held out his hand and hair brother took it. He helped his older brother up and they never letted go of each other's hand. And they didn't want to. They looked in their mom's room where faith was. She was lying there with a bullet in her knee, shoulder and foot. "Faith, Faith, stay with us now. Call the ambulance they need to get here fast" "okay" jesse called and once they hung up they hold towels on it. A few hours passed there was finally a know on the door. Jesse went and he opened the door. "Right this way" "did you see what was happening" "no sir" he heard coughing again. He ran up the stairs, perimedics followed. They went into the room and then jesse went toward his mom's room and he sat down next to his brother, who's face is red, and couldn't breath. "i need you to breath, the perimedics are here." "where" "right behind me, i promise you" then the medics went toward him, helped him onto the bed and putted a mask on him, I.V's in his arms and hands. jesse felt bad about the situation. Watching his brother going through what he's going through was hard for him to watch. "sir, can you step out and talk to the police" "yes sir" "thank you" "i'll be right back" He left and went outside and then he saw them and then went toward them. "hey, what's up" "i have some questions for you. Are you busy right now" "no, ask away" "where you in the room when this happened" "no sir" "did you know that someone was in your house" "no i thought that me and my brother along with my sisters where the only one there" "do you fell like you were being watched before this happened" "some times, not all the time though" "did you see if there was a car outside" "yeah, before we ran and hid in the closet" "why where you in the closet" "to be safe" "all right, did you see who it was" "no sir" "did he leave any thing that we can use to identify him" "he left his wallet" "can I see it" "yeah" he gave the officer the wallet and it didn't have a driver ID. It had credit cards and other things. "We'll take that to the station and get an ID on him" "Thank you so much" "your welcome" he ran back inside and went up stairs, perimedics were getting his brother onto the stretcher and Faith on another stretcher. They went out and then they headed out and got into the ambulance. jesse went in with his brother, in the front of the ambulance with the partner. He prayed to let him be okay.

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