Chapter 1~Fandral the Shipper

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Loki's POV

I, Loki Laufeyson is a flirt and everybody knows it but has nothing against it. I flirt with mortals or fellow Asgardians but the most person I ever flirted with and flirted me back is Fandral the Dashing. No, I don't like him, the complete opposite of that actually, I don't like him but he's actually willing to help me make the one that I really like jealous. What? You think I just flirt with people for fun? Well, that too but I have more intentions; to make Thor, my brother and crush jealous. I know you are probably asking "Why did you pick Fandral of all people?!" Well, he's the one who noticed all my longing looks towards the god of Thunder. At first he just stared at me with wide eyes then suddenly he tackled me into a hug while laughing. I have to use my magic to get him off and when I succeeded, he told me he will help me make the oaf realize his feelings.

I know that he gets affected by our actions, but because of his obliviousness and stupidity, he never realize it and it makes Fandral and myself so annoyed. Tired of the idiocy of his friend, he came up with a plan that he's really proud of, saying it will help the problem. I hope this works.

Fandral's POV

Yes! I know this plan will work! Loki seems unsure about for a moment but agreed nonetheless. So, the plan is make Thor watch a movie us. Next, we will act more flirty and couple-like and then I will do something that Loki nor Thor will never see coming, I'll kiss him.

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