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You leave with Ivan and get ice cream you then go to the park you walk down the boat area holding hands whilst eating the ice cream a twig snaps behind you and your head shoots round you see the funniest sight ever
SS"um are you good"it was Jack on top of Jake who was facing down in the mud and on top of Jack was Emilio then in Emilio was some boy who looks like the boy who is "your brother" yiou laugh
EM"um yea we just were..."
JA"exploring"you giggle
SS"yea I see"you say and turn back to Ivan smiling
IV"Emilio bro why are you all spying like what are you doing"
Em"bromas?" He says trying to get up but falling back down knocking your "brother"back down
EM"pranks no this is not a prank you were watching us like space please"
JP"well you see I was just making sure we have no little Martinez babies around in the team 10 house"you laugh
SS"on the first date Jake I don't know what your dates are like but what is the most you can do at a park"
Logan pops out from the slide along with Daniel Zach and Jonah you face palm
LP"not much I'm guessing "you roll your eyes
SS"guys do you mind we are trying to like go out here"you say a lil bit annoyed
"Brother"" sorry soph I'll try get them to leave" you look him up and down and smile
SS"thanks um your name is Corbean right"he looks down sad and nods
CB"yea Corbyn"you look at him feeling bad you got his name wrong
SS"well Cor..byn thanks you seem like a normal person how did you meet these weirdos"you laugh but he looks even more hurt
CB" through you I was your best friend but you must have forgot"he look down a tear drops from his cheek you hug him and wipe it away
SS"sorry I must have forgot when I was in the coma but seeing as we had a bad past cod I know that let's start over "he looks at you and smiles you put a hand out for him to shake
SS"Hi I'm Sophia Skye umm Sartorius nice to meet you I think we will be good friends"he smiles and takes your hand and shakes it
CB"I'm Corbyn Mathew besson and you do to"
Besson eyy well brother you just met your lil sister whatcha gonna do bout it
SS"hey Corbyn wanna know a secret"he shrugs
CB"sure"you pull him closer and whisper...
A/n sorry it's short but I'm kinda ill and it's getting better but I'm not meant to be on my phone and stuff but I'm a savage and getting better so oh well

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